
Second Reminder: The above is false.

Opinions are tantamount to straddling the edge of a razorblade. He’s not allowed to take issue with the author of that essay and yet its cool, in your mind, for you to do the same with his views?

I really don’t understand the issue with the covers. Hip-Hop is based upon the idea of appropriation by sampling, yet when someone else appropriates Hip-Hop imagery it is considered insensitive? Haven’t some of the Hip-Hop artists also given big thumbs up to the covers? Wasn’t Ghostface Killa’s debut album titled

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Live stream of the Fine Brothers’ declining subscriber count:

Insert old nerds complaining about how the artwork looks bad because it’s not tits and ass tied into a shiny dated package drowning in 80's/90's manchild aesthetic directives.

I was reading an article on Gawker about some guy being outed and then the next day I went to read it again and the post had disappeared and then the editor of Gawker was gone.

I feel like this was an elabourate rouse by the Chinese government to show the population “they” are under “constant attack” by the “foreigners”. Otherwise, why would you admit to knowing its purpose and that they’re on alert?

What on Earth is the point of this article? I get that some people like these needless “nit-picking” articles/videos, but moat of them are written humorously at least. This wasn’t. It was dull and nitpickie and just... no seriously what was the point?

This is one of the saddest most pathetic pieces I’ve read in a long while. Who wrote this? The Grinch?

“Years later, David Geithner’s children would look back on the day that ruined their family forever and remark that it wasn’t a total loss - ‘a bunch of awful people realized the value of friendship, at least.’ ”


Yes, it is. Just because you're a moron doesn't mean the rest of the world judges things by your shitty standard. If you did the things you said you did when you were 17, then you should probably be in jail.


Fuck that. 17 is old enough to know better, and old enough to catch an ass-whooping. This guy's a piece of shit, and deserves all the hate he gets and more.

Bomb threat. Age is irrelevant.

Are you fucking serious? I give up

It’s worse than that though. The code from the E3 humble bundle also promised items including port slots that when reported to the Devs that it was missing they CONFIRMED that it was missing and should’ve been there but the codes weren’t activating it. They told us to wait and hold on so they can fix it... they fixed

A not-so-rare win for Men Everywhere, who have, once again, avoided getting yelled at.

The Penguin’s main character flaw is greed. He always asks “the asking price” of everything. Tries to bribe Batman, tries to bribe everyone really. YOU are bringing YOUR presumptions into the story when you ASSUME he means sex. Maybe that is all a woman is worth to you, but to someone like the Penguin he will ask what

You're not outraged enough. You're too outraged. Your outrage outrages me. You're part of the problem. You're missing the point. You're helping wrong. It's not about you!! How can you not see that?!