
You can’t copyright, “brunette female” it’s kind of the most populous demographic in all of humanity.

Orwell, above all else, was anti-totalitarian. And he would undoubtedly be mortified by the Technocracy we are living in. The TLDR of your article is: Orwell was a socialist, therefore he wouldn’t like Trump. Not so fast, his socialism was borne out of opposition to the puritanical body politic and British

It’s biology you ideologue. The freedom to see the world differently than you does not make everyone else a bigot. The reason intersectionality and the neo-progressives in the American Left will ultimately fail is that it is just a loose coalition of ideologues,  each hyper focused on one issue with no understanding

People adapted to the masks. You cannot sit there and tell me that they haven’t, nor that non-mask wearing individuals are the sole cause of infection. If you thought there was going 100% adaption to ANY rule in the United States, I suggest you open your eyes. Call me a bloviator all you want—it seems to be your

PS, you should need to to be told how to interpret data. You have a brain. Use it.

we’ve been enduring a year of a collapsing economy, losing jobs, and hiding in our homes. I think these armchair experts have every right to say their piece. If you’re so put off by their opinion, get off social media and go do something outside! Oh wait... That’s not safe.

Sure, my granpa died of pneumonia—but, we all acknowledge it was the lung cancer that took him from us. Whenever someone asks, I never credit it too pneumonia. This stat should be deployed accordingly. They are aren’t “stunningly wrong,” they simply spell out what many of us know to be true. Covid-19 is dangerous if

What is the “hidden agenda” that is being referenced?

Or positioned himself for the most prestigious job in all of football. You know, either or.