
“While getting a definite count on the number undocumented people living in the country is never easy...” If only there was a quick question we could ask every ten years about this....  We can wish!

If everyone is so concerned about how much money drivers are making, they’re free to supplement their fare with as big a tip as they think is warranted.  Until then, I’m driving of my own free will, and happy with my arrangement.  Thanks for your concern--and for your tips!

I think the other possibility is via autonomous vehicles (I see that Max Contrarian is mentioning this, too)--which totally eliminates the contractor/employee/driver costs--and minimizes insurance expenses too (likely).  Uber and Lyft will become essentially custom-route buses.

Oh, stop the histrionics. Woe is you. We all got our own troubles. Figure yours out.

But how would you feel if those two innocent Nigerian guys went to jail for this? That could have just as easily happened as anything else. This is beyond being black and gay and a Democrat. This is brazen political posturing and self-promotion (victimhood chic) with real-world risks for innocent people.  Shame on him.

I’m conservative, and feel the same way about that white supremacist. Neither of our communities have any room for tolerance or pride for these people. They’re the exception—the horrible exception—and you and I are in this together, from our different sides. Thanks for your condemnation of the idiocy on your side. I

Yeah, I’ll believe that “wrath” when I see it.

I will never be able to believe another thing that Laura Wagner writes.  This article has squadered any credibility she had--I hope it was worth it!

Honestly, each of those “arguments” from the IWPR is so weak, I can’t even believe that I’m commenting on them. Ugh.

Did you listen to that video? What a bunch of bias! Note how the narrator slips in race “a woman makes 79 cents for ever dollar a WHITE man makes.”

Why is it that these “exact match” tactics and Voter ID rules only seem to affect Democrat voters? Why are the Republican voters able to comply, but Democrats not?

Reading these comments from the outside, really looks like y’all are giving Kanye a “whipping” for leaving the “plantation.” Pretty revealing.

Probably no more than the author of this has a “race issue.” Pretty weak fear-mongering. Probably time to put on your big boy/girl pants and start taking responsibility for yourself as you are, and quit worrying so much about your skin color.

The presumption of innocence is an international human right (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Why does it seem like so many are trying to ignore it or trample it?

Well, I’ve been to both China and Taiwan, and had dog a couple of times. It was actually good. Not sure that it’s a “trope” at all...

I’m a rare conservative on these boards, and I have to agree—this was a big blunder. If Obama had done this, we would have excoriated him—and Trump deserves the excoriation here.

I love all these articles about “Voter Suppression!!” It’s funny how all “voter suppression” is always apparently aimed at black people—and apparently they’re entirely powerless. For some reason, a “purge of inactive voters” only affects blacks—not whites? And required IDs only affects blacks, not whites?

You start cooking bologna in pineappple, you best be ready for charges of recipe appropriation.

Wait until you find out that bologna’s recipe was developed by white people, and originally made in factories by white people.

If you have to keep reminding/telling people that someone is a racist, maybe it’s more about you than them.