Jay See

:::Whammy break dances across bottom of screen, breathes fire and reduces Core Concept to ash:::

Pence's closing line should be "Mother, you're the best!" because HE CALLS HIS WIFE "MOTHER". HE! CALLS! HIS! WIFE! MOTHER!

$100,000 Pyramid

Their Polynesian-inspired torches.

They got four episodes because he got cancelled but that show was never going to succeed at 9:00.

Still holding a grudge against NBC and Leno for killing Trauma. It wasn't a great show but it was solid across the board and had one of the more interesting gay characters at the time (amongst admittedly not a very deep bench). The Halloween episode, which saw the "uncomfortable with gay people" partner of the gay

To be fair he has no idea what the word "sympathy" means.

If Dinesh D'Souza counts as an average Republican, he responds with a Twitter storm blaming Democrats since 150 years ago they were pro-slavery and lauds Republicans for freeing the slaves. As if the parties have not flipped positions sometime in that century and a half. Is there an Indian equivalent to an Uncle Tom?

Last week marked the 50th anniversary of the Tate-La Bianca murders and in commemoration Decades showed the 1976 telefilm Helter Skelter. In the closing moments the actor okaying prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi breaks the 4th wall to advise us that the CA Supreme Court overturned the death penalty, making all of the

Jeopardy! Dream Recap 8/12/2017

There are only a few the show could use without feeling ashamed.

"Ellery Queen: Don't Look Behind You (1971; pilot)"

How We Bare Bears is the name of a childrens' cartoon and not a hardcore raw sex site for hairy gay fat dudes is a mystery that defies the ages.

$100,000 Pyramid

There was a story that thousands of voters have withdrawn from the rolls in Colorado because they fear their information being released. 87% of those were registered Democrats. Who needs voter suppression when the voters suppress themselves?

This was no boaking accident! This was a shart!

That…is an interesting point and I don't know if it's ever been litigated. The exact wording of the Oath requires the President to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution.

There was a terrific chapter about reverse vampires and the RAND Corporation.

No, signing the bill is not unconstitutional because one of the President's enumerated Constitutional roles is to either sign or veto legislation (or let it die via pocket veto). Nor is it unconstitutional for a President to sign legislation that he knows or believes to be unconstitutional.

Biggest problem with that premise is that there's no way the federal government would have ceded control of the port of New Orleans to former slaves. Florida, which was a swamp-infested shithole well into the 20th Century, Georgia and Alabama would be more likely.