Jay See

Anybody have any idea why what appeared to be an innocuous post about a Nativity at the Iowa State Capitol was deleted by a moderator? My response, which I typed so dammit Imma post it:

Flashback to the Cold War. America poached some very bright German Nazi scientists in Operation Paperclip

Tim's anecdote managed to be preternaturally boring and infernally confounding simultaneously. He drove cross-country for a job then found out he could telecommute so he drove back. Then some time later he did it again? Did he accept not one but two jobs without asking about telecommuting? I can kind of see not asking

Oxygen: Entertainment For Women
Dong! Dong!

That's BET.

A lot of the character beats this episode felt like reset buttons as they did wrapups. Fiona's stole money from a woman with dementia? No worries, she's paying it back *although, oh well, guess Etta's not getting the 20 large Fiona cost her by undercutting her deal). Debbie discovers a career aspiration out of

I got five bucks on "resumay".

You'd think with that lisp she'd be more attuned to the plight of the homosexuals.

The problem with linking the lives of pretty much your entire lead cast to that of another character is that, pardon the expression, there are no stakes. Any scheme to kill Klaus is doomed to failure before it even starts because killing Klaus means that Katherine, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Tyler and probably

Your final question almost makes me feel bad about saying that the Originals were the worst repeated plot device in the show's history. The Originals should have always been handled the way that Elijah initially was. Show up, look stunning in impeccable suits, wreak merry havoc on the main cast for a few episodes and

She can't be killed! She can't be reasoned with! And she'll never, ever stop!

And Stone's old nemesis, Shambala Green, has relocated to Chicago!

The Hairspray Live production will give millions of people the opportunity to experience Harvey Fierstein play Edna Turnblad. That's reason enough right there.

Can Keith David sing? If not, and keeping it in the Arroverse family, Jesse L. Martin. One of many disappointments in Smash season 2 was that he didn't get a number.

As long as Bill Murray gets nowhere near it. I know it's sacrelige around these parts even to breathe a word against him but Murray was the worst part of that film by a wide margin. The whole scene is terrible and unnecessary and Murray's awful performance makes it unwatchable. It's a steaming turd dumped right in the

My glee at the thought of his imminent death is far outweighed by my terror at the prospect of President Pence. I mean, Trump will be a nightmare in office and his reign will be one of destruction but he's a political dilettante whose heart really isn't in it. Pence is a true demagogue, waiting in the wings.


Camp is very entertaining
And they swear we'll have some fun when blood stops draining


"Attorney Generals"