Jay See

Damn you for stealing my Supergirl point of order, sir. Damn you to Hell.

Coming up is a Supergirl/Flash musical crossover. Can Amell sing?

I like the bodysuit and Zano looks smoking hot in it but the helmet doesn't work.

In better election news, the margin of victory for the Democrat in the North Carolina governor's race has grown past the point where current stain on the state McCrory no longer has a legal right to an automatic recount. He has still refused to concede and there are fears that he will drag out the process so long that

Thank you for making Jared Fogle a regular entry and not a bonus porn name.

Counterpoint: He's opposite James Franco and Franco is terrible at (intentional) comedy.

Usually I'm pretty good about being able to understand the thoughts and motivations of people with whom I disagree politically but I honestly cannot put myself in the mindset of anyone who is not a heterosexual white male voting for Trump. I cannot understand what possible appeal he could have for any woman, for any

Oh, the jokes we made when a product existed called "EZ Squirt".

How Did You Spend Your Monday?

Decades ago I saw Florence Henderson in a touring production of Annie Get Your Gun. About all I recall of it is a bit where she's talking to an Indian chief character who points to the many marksmanship medals she's wearing as a "treasure chest" she can use to induce her sharpshooter boyfriend to compete against her.

The correct answer is Jameson Parker full frontal in The Bell Jar.

Daddy would've gotten us uzis.

Drumpf surrogate Carl Higbie has called for the revival of a proposed Muslim registry, citing WW2-era Japanese internment camps as legal precedent. The frightening thing is, he's right. Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court case which found Japanese internment constitutional, has never been explicitly

:::cries on the horsey:::


Jeopardy! Objection! In response to a clue seeking an annual observance in November 1921 the judges accepted "What is Veterans Day?" as correct. In 1921 the observance was known officially as "Armistice Day". The observance was not officially designated "Veterans Day" until 1954.

Yeah, my BFF and her husband are a mixed-politics couple. I was over there the day after the election and was expecting him to gloat. I think he knows better because I think he senses I've been waiting to unload on him for about a decade on everything from his shitty politics to his barely-concealed homophobia to his

I always loved the little one- or two-sentence "stories" that papers used to run at the bottom of the page when the main story was a column inch short.

Fiona offered Etta a hundred grand which Etta accepted. When the bank only approved Fiona for 80 grand she presented that amount to Etta as if that were Fiona's original offer. That's the bilking, right there. I don't know why you're so in the tank for Fiona on this one but the facts are the facts.
