Jay See

As if I wouldn't block my mom in a second.

Except for how it did happen right on the screen.

He was pretty great in Clay Pigeons as a serial killer. I hate that he wastes his talent in one shitty movie after another but hey, if someone offered me millions of dollars to not try, I'd take it.

The only 7-11 in town is on my regular route home but it's on the opposite side of the street and there's no cut-through so I'm never in a position to purchase a delicious Slurpee. Convenience store my ass!

Oh well, then I guess it's all right that Fiona bilked her for 20K.

Nope. Fiona offered 100,000 but when the bank would only lend her 80 she presented that to Etta as if it were the original offer. Fiona took advantage of a senile old woman.

She ripped Etta off to the tune of $20,000 last week so tearing up the check this week would've gone a long way to redeeming that. Stealing $1700 from your boss is small potatoes compared to 20K from a neighbor and supposed friend. Can't wait to see what happens when Patsy's pie dries up and Fiona's thievery comes out.

As a big Krazy Kat fan I was excited some years ago to order a Krazy Kat cartoon collection on DVD from a catalog specializing in remaindered merchandise. I was crushed when it arrived to learn that it was not the expected original shorts from the 1910s and 20 but were instead from the series produced in 1962. While

I didn't have a fake ID but my real ID had a background color that exactly matched a shade of eye shadow from my mom's cosmetics kit. It was a simple matter to cover over the last digit (8) and sketch in a 3 in the space to age myself from 16 to 21. Either I was a master forger or clerks in dimly lit convenience

I just hope Sabrina gets the appropriate maintenance when she arrives back in Westworld.

Those blintzes were terrible!

I got paid for writing Smash recaps so I'll always at least defend its existence (if not much more) but I would definitely agree that the referenced number is absolutely a standout moment. Also Liza crooning a birthday tune to Ivy and Angelica Huston performing "September Song" (which was introduced by her father

If Porter were just a little bit whiter Uncle Jeff could make him President.

Jeopardy! Objection! I object to a slot in the Teen Tournament being wasted on Porter. "What is the Hope Diamond?" I mean, Jesus.

First off, if you're gonna invoke Saint Reagan you ought to at least learn to spell his name.

Thousands of gay men did not survive the Reagan years because Reagan and his Republican cronies believed their lives had no value. I usually don't respond to your inane bullshit, but just for tonight, fuck you.

Iron helps us play!

The Breakfast Club is one of those films that resonates when you first watch it and continues to resonate because even though it's set in high school the character archetypes and the "disparate people clustered together" theme remain relevant through college, work, etc.

Oh come on, I'm sure the sex wasn't that bad!

Good news! It'll be ending January 21st!