Jay See

Kristen Bell suggested on Twitter that regardless of the final outcome of the election we should all strive to treat each other with a little more dignity and respect.

Memo to Georjean:

I don't mean to alarm anyone, but the dolphins have just ordered a shit-ton of crystal bowls.

:::punches tiny T-rex arm through straw boater:::

I seem to be playing contrarian in tonight's discussion but while I am fully on board with Alex being gay or bi the way the show is doing it drives me batty. I can only speak to my own experience but it utterly baffles me when a fictional character suddeny figures out they're queer after an entire lifetime of

But I hate it when shows dumb down smart characters for the sake of the joke. Kara is going to place Mon-El as a CatCo intern whose job is answering phones but doesn't bother to teach him what a phone is or how it works? You can make the fish out of water joke work without making Kara and the rest of the DEO look like

I've seen America and no, no he didn't.

To change it a constitutional amendment would need to make it through both houses of Congress by a 2/3 majority and then be ratified by 3/4 of the states and there is no political will to initiate that massive on an undertaking to change something that no one thinks about more than once every four years and that few

Even if I were inclined to watch KCW, the clip used to promote it, apparently called "Burger Math", would have instantly turned me off it. Apparently the hot wife and the cute daughter bring home four burgers for the three of them because Fatass Kevin has to get two burgers to their one and by the end of the clip

Lethal Weapon is surprisingly not terrible, shading into decent and almost good. It's the TV equivalent of a popcorn flick (which makes sense considering) and I'm consistently entertained.

Best: Keith, obviously.
Worst: Leland Palmer.

I always forget, is it Vermont or New Hampshire that's wide at the base and tapers?

I got into it briefly with an online Trumpanzee bud this weekend, an otherwise reasonable person who early voted for Trump as a protest against the "rigged" system. He was agitated about the "attempted assassination" and was speculating about who hired the "hitman". I explained that had it been an actual attempt then

About, oh, 20 years ago I was working with/casually dating (read: banging) this guy who sold for one of these MSMs. Wasn't Herbalife but similar products. After a couple of months he tried to recruit me. I had never said a word about it to him before that but when he started the sales pitch I gave him the rundown on

TCM Pre-election Programming

Unknown if it's related to her death or that it just wasn't a hit on release but Rebecca Schaeffer's potentially breakthrough film role, Scenes From the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills, has vanished from the cultural landscape. It has all the makings of a cult film including direction by Paul Bartel (Eating Raoul) so

Jeopardy! Point of Order! Donna never said the words "What is The Not Ready for Primetime Players?" in the correct order. However, Don Pardo was allowed to keep his job after introducing them in episode one as the "Not For Ready Prime Time Players" so precedent for accepting a badly mangled name was established in

Sick TWD burn: "You told me he was dead!" "He fell behind that Dumpster, no way could he have walked away from that!"

Oh no, they killed Tyler!

I dunno, I caught a glimpse of him on Graham Norton last night before turning off Graham Norton because it had that shitbird Tom Cruise on it and he was looking kinda crispy and bloated.