Jay See

They were casting nuns though.


Jon Seda's ear piercing is too low on his lobe and it makes me irrationally angry on a regular basis.

What are trains? WHAT ARE TRAINS?! How many wooden trains have you ridden on, SUSAN?

Yeah, so the people of Salem wanted to hang Sarah, not burn her at the stake. They even chanted "hang the witch!" So many shows get that wrong it would be nice for the reviewer to acknowledge it got that right by, you know, getting it right.

I Googled him to get the correct spelling of his last name and per his Wikipedia page he spends a lot of his time raising money for ulcerative colitis (from which he suffers), endangered animals and the San Diego Zoo. Thank God at least one WoF host made it out the other side.

You fool! The Nazi scientists have been kept alive by Ancient Aliens!

Well Chuck's a homophobe and Pat's a climate change denier so really he's better off sticking with Rolf Benirschke.

It's a case of the right hand not knowing what the left is grabbing.

Even having lived through the sexist film and television of the day (9 to 5 was a documentary, right?) reading the woman groped on the airplane rationalize it away as just the cost of being a woman in business in the 1970s and 1980s was what disturbed me the most. Like, I knew on an intellectual level that it was true

Alliterative answers are always alright; recalling "R" words was sound strategy.

Finally saw my first Trump commercials tonight. I watch very little TV live and what I do watch is apparently not typical Trump supporter viewing so color me shocked when they turned up in the middle of Jeopardy! One was praising Trump's tax plan which may put a few pennies into the pockets of the vanishing middle

I had a full semester of Death & Dying. Fascinating blend of psychology, sociology, comparative religion and business. We covered Kubler-Ross but also funerary rituals from around the world and Jessica Mitford's classic takedown of the corrupt funeral industry, The American Way of Death. One of the most interesting

Which raises a question I have been pondering for a while. Last season the Speed Force was presentd as a caring, benevolent entity. So with Thawne, Zoom and now Rival, why does the benevolent Speed Force keep empowering such assholes?

Which built on the earlier bit where Kal asked Kara if she'd checked for a data thingy in the John Spacedoe. Portraying Supergirl as a competent hero while still letting the more experienced hero have a mentoring moment and not being a jerk about it.

Tyler Hoechlin smiling. On television! I don't think he's done that since he guested on an episode of Castle.

The Venture rescue scene? Was everything. Ev. Ry. Thing. I giggled. I never giggle.

Aw, poor Nadine gets a bad rap. Sure she's mean to people but she's also been trapped in a loveless marriage for 20 years and her one shot at happiness vanished (along with her amnesia and super-strength).

Vote Joni Ernst
Awful, But Technically Female

Jeopardy! Objection! To a clue asking for a Star Trek hand gesture found on a stamp, Seth replied "What is 'Live Long and Prosper'?" He should have been ruled incorrect. While the phrase "Live long and prosper" often accompanies the gesture (although not always; sometimes it is "Peace and long life") the gesture