Jay See

"Nobody won and nobody lost"


Thanks O. Pamuk!

When Katya started strumming her leg I was like, "Girl just took it."

Genuinely surprised no one clocked Katya for her Katya’s Krisis Kontrol having the initials KKK. Although I did notice the final prototype was very pointedly:

Old Deuteromney.

8. When your square relatives from Fumblebuck came to visit you in New York you could shuttle them off to Cats for one night of their vacation so they could tell all the slack-jawed yokels back in Hooterville about how they saw a gen-yew-wine Broadway show in the big city without having to interrupt your busy schedule

I don't have the personal experience you do with the diagnosis but I believe you're interpreting the speech incorrectly. The driver wasn't saying that outside help wasn't useful and good. He was saying that if you can't get access to that help then you have to do what you can without it. Edgar saw his alternatives at

I was like, "Why does a Florida cop care about two guys having a big pile of guns?"

The members already have the right to some control over the information IMBD posts, in the form of defamation law. IMDB can't post outright falsehoods about people (at least not intentionally; I have found IMDB does a piss-poor job on fact-checking) but assuming it's correct I see no way that publishing someone's date

Yeah, Will listened to his homies who warned him that kissing a guy in SDOS was "f_ggot shit" so he landed in my doghouse for decades after that. To his credit, he later acknowledged that he was entirely wrong. Still hasn't kissed a dude on-screen though

Maria Doyle Kennedy is a goddamn revelation as Catherine of Aragon in The Tudors. The scene where she shames Henry during their annulment/divorce proceedings is one of the greatest TV moments ever.

AfterEllen, the sister site of the website I used to freelance for, got shut down last week. My site, formerly AfterElton, finally TheBacklot, got folded into another Viacom property, NewNowNext, a couple years back. AfterEllen got shut down, according to its summarily dismissed without her promised severance former

How did the editors in season 4 put the words into Phi Phi's mouth that sabotaged Jiggly in the magazine challenge? How did they put the words in her mouth this season that tried to sabotage Roxxxy in Snatch Game? How did they put the words in her mouth that constantly bad-mouthed and berated the other contestants in

To quote Reality TV Sage Jon Taffer from his AVC interview earlier this year: "I’ll tell you something as a TV producer, not a host: I can’t make you look stupid if you didn’t do something stupid on camera."

Critiques of Jimmy's interview were Fallon on deaf ears.

That she didn't win the Academy Award for The Manchurian Candidate is a travesty but I guess when you're up against a deaf-mute there's just no prevailing.

When it's good it's very good but for every really good episode like "Greeks Bearing Gifts" or "They Keep Killing Suzie" there are multiple utter shite episodes like "Countrycide" and "Small Worlds". The show also had a huge problem with its premise, as it couldn't decide whether Torchwood was a super-secret

You'd have to change the second one to Voyage to the Bottom of the "C" but the other two work as is.

Yeah, that's why I bought it. I bought Red Dragon and American Gods for the same reason. I am Bryan Fuller's adapted bitch.