Jay See

We all love Alyssa and if you don't like it you can kiss my back rolls!

SO glad Ginger went home, not only because Katya is the superior queen in pretty much every metric but because it puts a stake through the heart of this "we must slavishly follow the judges' critiques" bullshit. How many times have we seen over the course of the series Ru save a queen who had a rough week because she

That and the dead hookers. So, so many dead hookers.

I read a good chunk of Midnight standing on line waiting to have items appraised for The Antiques Roadshow. This was in the days before Kindles and smart phones. Everyone around me marveled at my forethought in bringing something with me to read and I was like, why would you not?

It wasn't even rote adaptation since Eastwood took the queer narrator, turned him straight and saddled him with an unnecessary female love interest (played by, surprise! Clint's daughter Alison). The smartest decisions Clint made on that film were casting Chablis and getting the hell out of her way.

"Brain and brain! What is brain?"

If you know a better treatment for fading liver spots than rubbing a sex worker on them I'd like to hear it!

"That's not what 'great' means, Internet!"

Sic semper tyrannis.

I was watching it On Demand and found it a slog to keep up. One day I decided to catch up and like three episodes I hadn't seen had already expired. I took that as a sign to give up on this awful, awful show.

A Lesson In Logic

Find another way to Taylor a pun.

The FCC has no jurisdiction over cable, only broadcast. FX could air hardcore pornography at 8:00 in the morning and it would be perfectly legal.


I haven't studied Rand (although I have read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Liked both of them well enough although I skipped Galt's speech after about a page; love the swoony mess of a film adaptation of TF). Did she attempt to affect directly the political process via lobbying and direct action the way

It was the same on Yahoo! Screen when it hosted SNL's archive. I'd be excited to rewatch a classic episode only to note upon pulling it up that it was, like, 28 minutes long.

I have seen the Big Four horror films directed by James Whale (Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, The Old Dark House) but none of his other works. Whale, besides being a talented director, was also openly gay throughout his career in the British and American theater and his Hollywood directing

I dunno, I think Idris Elba might be a little too "street" to be IMDB's most popular.

Phyllis Schlafly, arch-conservative anti-feminist activist, has died at the age of 92. It is supposedly poor form to speak ill of the dead, but the dead are past caring what is said about them. Schlafly may have been an absolutely lovely woman personally but politically she was a horror show. She rose to prominence

Settin' a high bar there, Franko.