Jay See

I love The Bob Newhart Show and have many fond memories of Newhart but anything after that I can't really stand him in. He always had the halting delivery but it's gotten so halting that he's almost unwatchable. The last thing I saw him in was a guest shot on NCIS and I seriously wondered if he'd had a series of small

Rose McGowan's plastic surgeon should be imprisoned for what s/he did to McGowan's lips.

I have both paid and been paid for sex and I fully support the legalization of sex work for consenting adults. That said, why is calling a prostitute a prostitute automatically slut-shaming? Why is calling a person a sex worker automatically slut-shaming? If it is factually true that Melania exchanged sex for money

"Unfortunately, I'm in the US" made me think you were Donald Trump but then you said "thank you".

I called the finishing positions of everyone except I had Phi Phi in the bottom over (under?( Tatianna. Her…who did Phi Phi play again? oh right, the Long Island Medium, was passable but her runway look was boring as shit. Tatianna blew a couple of obvious shots at comebacks but who among is would have a snappy

What do you have against continuing adult education?



Then who's gonna fly your plane?

Please, if anyone in the AV Club commentariat knew anything about becoming popular we wouldn't be in the AV Club commentariat.

"Any comments yet on that Stephen Falk story?"

Oh well in that case pointing guns at her is fine! The only logical choice, really.


I assume there's no similar Newswire about Johnny Depp's remembering his tender meeting with Gene on the set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because Gene, like the rest of us, wanted nothing to do with that shitshow.

And she spent a good chunk of screen time done up in bondage gear, for those interested in that sort of thing.

And Peter Norman, the white Australian athlete who shared the podium (and supported the gesture but did not participate) was punished with exclusion from the 1972 Olympics despite having qualified over a dozen times.

He was Ed Norton's step-father.

When we were kids my brother and I made up a parody of that ad that started "Throw the pickles, throw the lettuce" and changed the restaurant name to Hot Dog Queen.

To get this out of the way, Charmed was a terrible, terrible show.

$100,000 Pyramid