Jay See

Right. "Today".


Forgotten West German proto-rapper Earn Marks.

Because what better way to celebrate an iconic character's 75th anniversary than by using a design that's been around for well under a decade?

There's also a report on the box office death of BFG, so sixth.

I'm just Zika bout this.

Look, up in the sky!

Fun Fact: On the same day Strom Thurmond died the Supreme Court legalized sodomy.

Since the clue referenced both the spider and the bikini (as in yellow polka-dot) "itty bitty" was objectively wrong. Had the clue referenced "titty committee" on the other hand…

That rating was reserved for the State of the Union Address.

Jeopardy! Objection! Zach was given credit for "What is a teacher preacher?" in response to the clue "One who instructs a spreader of the Gospel". While it is true that Gospel spreaders are likely to have been instructed to some degree in its spreading, such instructors are not necessarily themselves preachers.

Judd Hirsh stars in Let Me Show You Pictures Of My Grandchildren Of Men

Even if you did not perform it to the tune of Falco's "Rock Me, Amadeus" I am just going to assume that you did.

A Twitter analytics firm found that 62% of the accounts retweeted by Trump have white supremacist ties.

Even if it's not a holiday locally it's still the 4th of July though. No reason why you can't graciously accept Patrick's wish that you have a happy day even if you have to go to work and don't get to celebrate your country by blowing up a small part of it.

Because TheSingulatarian is wrong. While you can never copyright a title you can under some circumstances trademark it. And in the absence of trademark it is still possible to force a title change on other grounds, including the likelihood that allowing the newer thing to have the same title will create substantial

The citizens of the Philippines were never United States citizens. The citizens of Puerto Rico are. You can't really say "You're free now, good luck!" to an entire island of U.S. citizens (much as we'd like to with Manhattan and those fat cats on Wall Street, amirite fellas?).

I watched the first two seasons. I kept waiting for it to get interesting because it has so many people in it who I really like but it never did. The only person I cared about at all was Bunchy (one of Ray's brothers who had PTSD after being sexually abused by a priest) and the only other character I thought had

It's probably the best new show running other than UnREAL which admittedly is not saying much. I'm engaged enough to keep watching but it's starting to feel a little like set pieces in search of a story.

"Archie the Hero". Man, what terrible things they did to the wonderful character Beverly LaSalle. In her next appearance Archie set her up on a date with one of his buddies as a practical joke on the buddy, a move that could get trans people murdered still today. Then in her last appearance, after receiving a