Jay See

Jeopardy! Objection! Credit was immediately given for the question, "Who is Stallone?" In cases where there are multiple notable people with the same last name, standard practice is to request clarification and in this instance there were at least two alternate possibilities, Sylvester's mother Jackie and, you guessed

Although it has a Latina lead in America Ferrera I don't think Superstore was specifically designed to appeal to a Latinx demographic the way that JtV and TN were. I never watched Bordertown but from what I've read about it I can't figure out what demo it was supposed to appeal to. The garbage people demo maybe?

"This was widely viewed as anti-semitism, so much so he deleted then
resent the tweet with a circle in place of the Star of David."

Now now, Donald said that yes, he did have a massive surveillance system installed that he could have used to eavesdrop on every one of his employees' telephone calls but he totally said he never used it!

Also the creepy coded gay guy who kidnapped Data in the TNG episode "The Most Toys": "Personally I don't mind if you sit there naked."

Olivia shall not die until such time as Joan Fontaine passes from the living memory of the Earth.

Raul Esparza would like a word.

But you're still a Commonwealth country! Have a Canuxit, then we can talk about a Canadian independence day.

So I have been catching quite a few Cavetts recently. Is it just me or do others find him to be kind of a shit interviewer? I always had a genuinely positive impression of tha man based on this historical series he did for, I think, HBO a million years ago but watching his stuff on DECADES, it can get downright dire.

Where's Fire-ah forget it.

Unsurprising La Lohan should be best known for something with "Fully Loaded" right in the name.

Equally likely: She took in a screen cap of Kitty Carlisle's disembodied head from "Bart Gets Famous".

Although I don't really believe it's the most patriotic film ever made I'm going to cast a vote for All the President's Men as a placeholder for every film that understands that patriotism does not mean blind loyalty and obedience to one's country and its leaders and that true patriots can love their country while

Jeopardy! Objection! A clue seeking the question "What is common law?" characterized those in such marriages as "not wed." Although only a handful of states currently allow the formation of common-law marriages (and Alabama is abolishing the practice as of January 1, 2017) a common-law marriage is every bit as legal

Early SNL shorts or GTFO

(whispers) he's the one on the right.

If only this were true. My company's "Silver" package includes HBO, Cinemax and Showtime but I would have to go "Gold" to get Starz. Nothing Starz has put out for original content thus far has been enough to get me to upgrade but goddamn Bryan Fuller and AG is gonna get me.

It's a sad day in America when a proud father can't videotape his imaginary daughter without drawing the ire and suspicion of onlookers.

Right, Apple will turn down vast amounts of money in the interest of protecting our civil liberBWAH HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I couldn't get through that with a straight face.

Public place, no expectation of privacy.