Jay See

Pipe down, Bowser from Sha-Na-Na.

Generally speaking and it varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction: people at a public venue have no expectation of privacy. It's the reason news programs don't have to get signed releases from everyone in the background of their news reports. Recording when there's an expectation of privacy is all over the

SSM in Iowa was legalized by the state supreme court. Every single justice lost their next election. Iowa is a cesspit.

I don't think you need to be an apologist to not bring up the conviction upon every mention. He committed the crime, he did his time and as far as I know has not re-offended. His being a rapist certainly shouldn't be forgotten but it doesn't need to be a permanent modifier.

A planetoid is apparently most closely related to asteroids while a dwarf planet is a planet-like body with insufficient gravitational effect to clear its orbital path so no.

That incredibly popular series, Person of Interest. Sure, Alex.

Man, did you hear Addie missed an easy DD about Pluto? That's messed up.

And little Matt LeBlanc grew up to play…Major Don West!

It merged with One-Eyed Jack's. "Thank you, cum again!"

My dad, my brother and I sneaked into a drive-in showing Star Wars next to the motel where we were staying on a family trip by scaling the four-foot wall between the motel and the drive-in because surely no one had conceived of doing that before! We were immediately charged by an enormous security guard and told we

The A.V. Club
old beaten-to-death reference

:::opens NewbTube in new tab:::

If I watch my tablet for an hour with the TV on in the background does that count as two hours? If so that I'm spending approximately 40 hours a day on media.

I was required to see it in the theater as part of a negotiated deal with a friend. In return she had to see Dude, Where's My Car? She hated D&D and loved DWMC so to my way of thinking she still owes me, but she insists that her seeing Mulholland Dr. with me canceled any and all Karmic film debt.

Whitney didn't do crack. Crack is for poor people.

…Were you not?!

Nope. That's the popular myth but there were kisses between Caucasian and Asian actors on The Wild Wild West that pre-date ST's kiss and Nancy Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. kissed on TV a year before ST.

Of course we are talking about broadcast television and not pornography. Again, completely unclear why this bothers you so much but the ship has sailed on the name.

Not sure why you're choosing this particular hill to die on, but OK. I'm talking not just about mainstream media but also LGBT press and multiple books on the history of LGBT representation in media written by gay authors. If the gay people who literally wrote the book(s) on the subject are OK with the nomenclature I

I was in college when TNG premiered and our campus newspaper editor pitched a fit in an editorial about the show having a female security chief.