Jay See

Which doesn't change the fact that the media at the time and the subsequent literature refer to them as "lesbian" kisses.

Take it up with the guy who wrote the "Lesbian kiss episode" article for Wikipedia (which for the most part was me).

If you want the earliest U.S. example of two non-heterosexual female characters kissing that would be an episode of Lifestories: Families In Crisis called "More Than Friends: The Coming Out of Heidi Leiter" that aired in 1994, a year and a half before the DS9 episode. All other "lesbian" kisses on American TV before

The first televised lesbian kiss on American television was in an episode of 21 Jump Street called "A Change of Heart" in 1990. An episode of L.A. Law the next year called "He's a Crowd" was the first episode to garner media attention for the kiss and is credited with kicking off the "lesbian kiss episode" sub-genre.

Hey, that Greek Oikos money only stretches so far.

:::Roland Emmerich blows up Stonewall Inn:::

I have not reviewed the entire litigation history of the clause but what I have reviewed indicates to me that as long as they remain in the building they are shielded by the "going to and returning" language. The protection afforded traveling to and from the building would be rendered meaningless if arrests were

On Day Four: "lol wtf is buzzy"

Presumably even a troglodyte like Paul Ryan understands that members of Congress "…in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in

"…the trend has yielded more pointless retreads than inspired retellings—the cable network turned off its own Sirens remake just last year."

But enough about the Presidential election.

:::Paula Abdul's "Cold Hearted Snake" plays:::

I really don't see how the Congressional bar can go any lower absent a return to the days when Congressmen would beat each other on the House floor with walking sticks.

I'm still planning on watching the new Match Game but dammit, if they don't stop spamming my Twitter feed there will be a strongly worded letter.

I think he's talking to you!

Aquarius has the bones of a solidly good to kinda great show in it but the Manson nonsense just ruins it. David Duchovney playing a run-down police detective dealing with the cultural shakeups in a late 1960s Los Angeles? I would watch the shit out of that show. Murder of the week plus Manson? Waded through the first

Oh believe me, I know.

I made it through two and then just contented myself looking at the naked Cannavale screen caps online.

Looking movie premieres next month! The trailer looks great.

Maybe they can port him over to that upcoming show about Times Square in the 1970s which sounds totally great and not at all like a dumpster fire in the offing. They'd save a ton on wardrobe.