Jay See

THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE THE POWER TO KEEP ASSAULT WEAPONS AWAY FROM MASS SHOOTERS AND DO NOT "suggests that these are alligator tears". How many mass murders with no change to the laws to prevent them have to happen to exhaust that benefit of the doubt?

"Since there have never been laws against being gay…"

But again, being gay is not an "action" and it is certainly not an action that harms people, something the actions to which you're analogizing to do. The analogy has to work all the way around to work and yours doesn't.

"Only a handful of Republicans really hate gay people. The rest just act like they do."

I did not argue that they wanted us killed. I argued that they hate us.

You do know there are still people today who believe that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality, right?

Sorry, why do you usually take automatic weapons and explosives to Pride parades?

Except that homosexuality is not wrong. Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone. Addiction hurts the addict and crime hurts the victim. Your analogy is broken.

Homosexuality is neither a disease nor a crime. Shame on you for this.

You're not usually this stupid.

Oh for fuck's sake. Just stop. The GOP at every level has been deeply and profoundly anti-LGBT for decades. That one conservative Justice voted the right way on three cases doesn't change that fact. The Republicans are the party of the culture wars. They are the party of bathroom bills. They are the party of killing

I have seen nothing that indicate that he's gay. But hey, who among us hasn't celebrated our sexuality with three automatic weapons and the ingredients to make a pipe bomb?

No time to change hearts. Too busy changing the narrative to erase the gay-hate roots of the crime and play up the Islamiphobia. Never mind that the guy heading to shoot up Pride on the other side of the country was white and apparently not Muslim.

And that's why you're not allowed in the downtown branch anymore.

He also retweeted every hollow GOP pol's "thoughts and prayers" tweet with a notation on how much money the NRA either donated directly or spent on their behalf. Too bad none of them have a scrap of shame.

You don't. You make sure the kiss is worth it.

Yeah, don't you miss the days where everyone on TV was white?


Flashback scene shows the plate was forged out of that giant can of pudding eaten by KORL!