Jay See

Patty's spot on Veronica Mars playing a non-Hearst trustee of a college named for the Hearst family who gets taken hostage proves she has a sense of humor about it. It also proved that Patty Hearst is a terrible actress.

2 Passion 2 Christ

Waters did fund his first movies via a settlement he got from a department store that illegally detained him for shoplifting. He had stolen something but he spotted the store detective and ditched the loot before the dick put the arm on him.

Pecker was the beginning of the end. Waters's directing career breaks down into three easily defined eras: Early classic Waters which runs through Polyester and which are almost uniformly genius; Hairspray to Serial Mom shooting for and largely achieving mainstream success; and Pecker, Cecil B. Demented and A Dirty

Whore the door! Whore the door!

Daly was White and Peter Coyote played Harvey.

I watched the two-part Cavett interview Monday with Masters and Johnson. Went to Decades's website and saw that they were showing LGBT-related programming for Pride Month. M&J were an odd Pride Month choice, seeing as how they ran a conversion clinic for decades despite claiming that homosexuality wasn't an illness.

I was so bummed that no one knew Harvey. I saw him in the musical in 2003. On the way to the theatre my companion and I passed a flower seller and I briefly considered buying a dozen roses for five bucks to present to Harvey after the show. I did not and have regretted it ever since.

Wait, you watched a Judy Garland film to impress a girl and you chose Judgment at Nuremberg?! The Harvey Girls or The Clock or Gay Purree, sure. But Judgment at Nuremberg? That's messed up.

I had an English prof in college who insisted we never say either that something was more unique or more perfect, insisting that we say more nearly unique and more nearly perfect. I told this to my mom, a former teacher and librarian, and she said my professor was full of shit.

You know, there's a review up for the episode so maybe you could go post your condolences there instead of posting spoilers in completely unrelated threads.

lol wtf is Ovation

Ugh, this guy. I see his promos in between my Sunday shows and just want to punch him in the balls. No, Bill Simmuns, I don't wanna know what you think.

I was hoping Saldana would get an obit as much for her advocacy as her acting. I have seen her in a few episodes of The Commish, have never seen Raging Bull (I know, film heresy), but her courage and dedication as an advocate were great. RIP indeed.

R.I.P. Marty Funkhouser, died of CancerAIDS.

Election 2016
Battle of the Bastards

Quadrophenia 2: Electric Whogaloo

Boondock Sunts

"Kiss my asterisk, Trebek!"

Letme be the FIRST to say I tried to read this article but was too drunk. In oother words: FIRST!