Jay See

Why does O.J., the largest of the murderers, simply not eat the other witnesses?

Race car driver Dick Trickle wants to know what the hell's so funny?

Aw, now I miss Florence Halop all over again.

:::Franko extracts dick from the mashed potatoes; realizes it's not his, puts it back:::

I'm Barry Tinoff, but my friends all call me B.

…Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

I have been led to believe that money can be exchanged for goods and services.

Don't knocker until you try 'er.

Heeeere Titty, Titty, Titty!

She's going to Ellen a handbasket.

Si Ay Eh


Still angry that AVC didn't cover Real Genius for Summer School Week or whatever last week. Or Summer School for that matter.

Back when I was a phone jockey I had a customer named Shitonya.

Heh. "Downscale".

It's Marthas all the way down.

I love the performance but the character does not fit at all tonally in the Berlantiverse. Well, possibly in the unswept corners of Arrow. They hadn't ruined Penguin by the time I stopped watching (mid-break season two) but I could see seeds of it starting to germinate.

And the mayor of Central City has the same name as and is played by the same actor as a cop from the original.

Since you didn't italicize "Gotham" I don't know whether you mean the city or the series. If the former, Eobard Thawne's future newspaper features a cover story on the merger of Wayne Enterprises and Queen Corporation so the settings and by extension the characters exist. If the latter, legal or not no one should want

Gerard Christopher makes a cameo as does John Newton but Newton's is only one-third the length of Christopher's.