Jay See

Galecki is a good actor, which is why I hate that he's been on this shitshow for a decade instead of making stuff I can bear to watch.

Yeah, these days it's "He wasn't raped, he totally got a hardon."

I have gotten into so many internet fights about whether Lamar is a positivie or negative portrayal of homosexuality. So many internet fights…

My wife, Eleanor.

And whyyyyyy do so many contestants buy vowels when they clearly already know the puzzle? You're allowed to guess without revealing every letter!

He said the sheriff is near!

Steve Harvey knows what he did.

Moonraker, Where "Moon" Refers to Dropping Your Pants and Pointing Your Ass At Somebody

The first season is uneven but steadily improves. The two episodes centering around Carrie Coons and Christopher Eccleston are the standouts.

There was a series on Showtime in 2001 called Leap Years that sort of had this premise. It followed a group of friends in three different time periods, 1993, 2001 and 2008. It was not terrible and it introduced me to naked Garrett Dillehunt so it's all good.

The Man With Two Golden Guns


Well you know what they say, there are no small parts, just terrible actresses.

"Monster Energy Drink…shaken, not stirred."

Robbed or murdered by t-shirt cannons.

George Lazenby was great as Jarod's dad on The Pretender and…other things, probably.

If that's true, bad luck for him. Usually we don't jail drunk drivers in Wisconsin until their eighth or ninth offense.

Wow, this just does not get funnier.

"It's either 'What is Elba?' or 'What is St, Helena?'…god dammit."

I'm sure they're used to it by now.