Jay See

RIP Beth Howland, best known as ditzy waitress Vera from the 1970s sitcom Alice. She passed away New Year's Eve 2015 but per her request husband Charles Kimbrough (Jim Dial, Murphy Brown) delayed public notification until yesterday. Also per Beth's request, there was no funeral or memorial service. She was never as

WKRP was (or had been; it got bounced around the schedule a lot) across from half of Little House which regularly trounced it in the ratings so that line was a lot more acid than it appears on first hearing.

The Cadillac of Worms!™

Gaad's daad, maan.

I once thought it would be interesting to follow a Soviet spy family past the end of the Cold War and into the present day but then NBC ran Allegiance and I realized no, no it wouldn't.

It was in heavy rotation a few months back on Retroplex. The film came up here in a previous Belushi-related Newswire about five months ago and coincidentally appeared on TV within a couple of weeks. Now of course "Neighbors" is relegated to being that Rogen/Efron nonsense.

ABC didn't learn its lesson, as evidenced by Good Christian Bitches becoming first Good Christian Belles before landing on GCB. Is it any wonder that series died an ignominious death?

FOX will occasionally do this with its serial dramas as well, with Almost Human being the most recent victim I recall. Karl Urban's character in particular was extremely poorly served by the re-ordering, going from being so chill with his robot partner that he invited him to stay in his guest room one week to openly

They both got an A in Pharmacology.

Kennedy is possibly the most important Justice of the last hundred years. He has been the critical swing vote in countless 5-4 decisions over his tenure on the Court. He is also the author all four of the landmark gay rights decisions issued by the Court since 1996.

The screenplay was of course based on his autobiography, co-authored by Malcolm and Alex Haley. Plans for a film based on the book date back to 1968 when gay African American author James Baldwin and Arnold Perl began adapting it. Script writing and re-writing went on for literally decades, extending past Baldwin's

Jeopardy! Point of Clarification!
The role in question is just "Sandy". Sandra Dee was an actress in frothy teen movies of the 1950s, as referenced in the song "Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee".

I knew the judges wanted "What are Westerns?" but I wonder if they would have accepted "What are dime novels?" in the alternative?

Was I the only one who thought that young Mischa's mom was forced to have sex with young Mischa's boss before he forked over the rest of young Mischa's wages?

All three of those contestants were Blitzerian.

And of course in 1982 Rona lent her name to Rova Barkett, AKA Yankee Poodle of DC's Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew!

Not only have I seen Airport, I have seen all of its sequels, including that shitty Concorde one! I am a sucker for 70s disaster flicks. It's an addiction really. It's mostly for the Golden Age of Hollywood stars who turn up in ridiculous roles. You haven't lived until you've seen ancient Gloria Swanson struggle to


As far as I know Original Recipe Xena is still ambiguous. The proposed reboot will bring both ladies decidedly out of the closet. Unless it doesn't.

Don't you hate pants?