Jay See

I was kind of surprised during the post-episode post-mortem everyone was going on about the Brock/Hood scene and the difficulty of writing it and the audacity of dropping a huge dialogue into the middle of the episode because throughout most of it I was like "have we not covered all of this already so many times?"

Fantastic 4: 4 Fuck's Sake

It featured that rarest of television birds, a gay Latino character who wasn't a complete stereotype. I mean, he was mostly a stereotype, but, baby steps.

The Remains of Thursday

He got so screwed on his residual deal for Willie Mays and the Say-Hey Kid.

Penguhwins is practically chickens.

March of the Penguins 2: Electr-igloo-galoo

I WANT MY GORDONBOZIA! (pain and sorrow caused by poor AVC proofreading)

The Originals as a concept were so great in the beginning. A super-vampire shows up for an episode or three, merrily fucks up whatever our heroes are up to and looks insanely hot in a suit while doing it (Helloooooo, Elijah!). As they became more deeply ingrained in the show's mythology and they turned into dull,

And then they played it off as thinking she'd said "cool rods"? The hell?

My cat died the same day that the St. Elsewhere finale aired. Watching the MTM cat flatline after the closing credits was…not fun.

I used to review/recap TVD for a gay-interest site and I lost track of the number of times I railed at the producers to swerve into polyamory after recapping yet one more "Elena agonizes between Damon and Stefan" scene. There really are only so many ways to write that shit up.

The first TVD novel was published in 1991. The first Twilight novel was published in 2007. I haven't read any novels from either series but as a TVD loyalist it always frosts me a little when TVD gets characterized as the knockoff when it beat Twilight out of the gate by a decade and a half.

Everything Paul Ryan does is filtered through his "Ryan for President 2020" lens. He's so appalling watching him twist is hilarious. I keep hoping that Janesville will come to its senses and vote him out this year (or at the latest 2018) but he remains inexplicably popular. Ah well, at least we ought to get Feingold

I couldn't bring myself to watch it and you're talking to someone who made it through the Family Edition.

He plays a dim-witted neighbor on retro-Britcom Vicious opposite Sirs Ian McKellan and Derek Jacobi and is absolutely delightful.

Kids today, why, when I was in college "butt funnel" meant something entirely different.

"I’ll tell you something as a TV producer, not a host: I can’t make you look stupid if you didn’t do something stupid on camera."

Was the sand not from a spilled hotel ashtray, which is delightfully anachronistic to find in a hotel in Los Angeles?

Driven by Kendra who accidentally backs over him and then falls under the wheels herself somehow.