Jay See

Of all the things that have strained my disbelief the idea that news sources in the 22nd Century in the midst of a global revolution/genocide would report on the (from outside the situation) meaningless deaths of two random people/

The crime scenes contain potassium benzoate.

I must admit I did enjoy this week's with Rick Cosnett playing the gayest Anti-Christ this side of Damien.

Will she and her sexy nemesis have nemisex?

A Galavant renewal would truly be a zombie fueled by love.

Including that episode of SVU where she wanders the streets of New York with her dead sister's mummified finger in her purse?

Between her and Bedelia and Freddie Lounds on Hannibal it's been a hell of a couple of seasons for outstanding television hats.

Hey, at least based on the Easter Egg obit from this week's SHIELD we know Peggy lived a long life, passing away on the eve of the Civil War at the age of 92. Here's hoping she and Cap were reunited before…whatever happened in Civil War (I'm like 23 movies behind in my MCU viewing).

It's extremely unlikely because that would require the affiliates to give up five hours a week of local/syndicated programming along with all of the revenue that goes with them. CW would have to pull out some crazy sweet revenue-sharing plans and even then there's no guarantee that the affiliates would accept them.

Jesus, recentism is an ugly beast. You do know that there were sitcoms on the air before the mid 1980s and that some of them were critically successful, financially successful or both?

They should all take notes on season structure from Buffy and Angel. Some of it is also that part of CW's programming model is to emphasize relationship drama within individual series and if that balance isn't carefully struck it can go way off the rails really fast. See pretty much everything from The Vampire Diaries

It avoids them way more often in relation to total programming than the other broadcast networks. Thanks for your question!

:::pointedly fails to remind Gus that the CW-verse has time travel:::

"I don't care what your birth certificate says, I am not calling you Winny Olsen!"

He started a company that rents dressing room trailers to location shoots called Star Waggons and did extremely well for himself. I don't know if he's bitter about his acting career but he can cry himself to sleep on piles of money with many beautiful women.

Kara and Thea have a long talk about overbearing superhero older brothers/cousins…

"That jerk that worked at GBS with Clark back the '70s" was Steve Lombard, GBS Sports. I think Lana Lang ended up at GBS as well for a while so the eternal Superman/Lois/Clark/Lana quadrangle was preserved.

Tilda Swinton?

Hey, it was never officially canceled, just put on hiatus for 40 years!

She's outside in your bushes, why not just go ask her?