Jay See

Well they barely show up for their own series, so…

Isn't Kara a little old for El Dan?

Continuing to follow in the footsteps of its spiritual antecedent, Wonder Woman, which spent its first season on ABC followed by a move to…CBS! Circle of life, etc.

Newsflash: "Darling Nikki" to be covered by Snarling Chickie.

Again with the masturbation talk from you.

Heh, dig it. 'Cause they're underground.

Yeah…not so much.

Yesterday morning I popped into my On Demand "rental" list and was horrified to discover I had ordered up the latest episode of 2BG On Demand.

I'm amazed that the first five Amber books by Roger Zelazny haven't been adapted into an epic series. Functional immortals feuding across time, space and dimension for control of the source of all reality all the while facing constant threat from the literal forces of Chaos? Seems like a sure thing. The biggest

"Sarah tries to discredit Felix’s new ties."

I watched the first two seasons of Borgia on Netflix and found myself disgruntled about the historical inaccuracies until I realized that I was basing it on the history I learned watching The Borgias. John Dornan not giving a single fuck about not sounding the slightest bit non-American playing a 15th Century Spanish

Oh yeah? What if he has a septic system, smartass?

I haven't been this outraged since my Skype and my Twitter icons wound up next to each other and then I didn't accidentally launch the wrong one, or either of them, because I don't really use either Skype or Twitter. Or Instagram. Get off my lawn!

tl; dr

:::Sports Jeopardy! runs out crying:::

Someone has to be first.

Back in the day AOL was constantly changing its terms of service and decided that "breast" was no longer permissible language. It did not go over well with the boob cancer survivors chat rooms.

Multi-cam format.

It seems fans waiting for Lady Stoneheart will be…

Each episode will cover a single day, shot in real time.