Jay See


RIP William Schallert, quintessential TV dad. Age 93, 374 acting credits on IMDB. Not a bad run.

Sir, I represent the estate of Iron Eyes Cody and demand an immediate halt to this unauthorized imitation.

We aren't three years in the future on TVD. The show's timeframe is such that the three year time skip actually takes us to the present day. The first four seasons covered the characters' last two years of high school, showing them graduating the Class of 2011 in 2013. The next two seasons covered their first year of

There was a pretty batshit version from 1991 starring Vanessa and Lynn Redgrave. In place of Baby Jane trying to put her kiddie act on as an adult, this Jane was duped by a drag queen into appearing as herself in his revue. Sensibly she chopped him in half in short order.


I love Mommie Dearest the film as an unabashed camp classic so I thought the book would make good reading when I was in the hospital for some minor surgery. Protip: it's really not.

That was one of the most confusingly written FJ clues in a while. I went with "What are craters on the Moon?" because I thought it was asking for the features, not the body. But Jesus, what a dumb bunch of contestants. You're able to suss that the clue is asking for a planetary body and with three different female

You're so strict!

The last I heard "bitter divorcé" isn't a sexual orientation that has been critically under-represented, if not outright barred, in popular media since its beginnings.

The A.V. Club
Really excited. And a little confused.

Don't praise the fan nerds.

Oh for fucks sake (not having read the comments yet): Gary is not crushing on Charlie. He is hyper-aware that every hand Charlie lays on him is a hand that Charlie has laid on Selena in a way that Gary knows he never will.

"I love what you've done with the place." Literally applauded. Literally clapped my hands in total glee. I need an Auntie Ferdinand in my life and I need him now.

Bigger "fuck you" dues ex machina resurrection: Jon Snow via the Red Woman or Glen via conveniently highly slung dumpster?

I haven't revisited any of these pages in years but back in the day there were some raging nerdfights over some of these pages being nominated for deletion. The crux of the arguments against them was that they were garbage dumps of every time a non-existent brand appeared in any piece of fiction, completely devoid of

Big Belly Burger is alive and well in the Arrowverse. No sign of Soder Cola yet, though.

Along with Hank's not quite out of nowhere shirtlessness, with Wu's clothing going into an evidence bag I thought we might get the rare shirtless trifecta.

While I agree time is growing tight and I wish this was a full season, if the show doesn't find a minute before the end for the Bunker brothers to have an ass-off I will be very disappointed.

Ugh, Studio 60. I gave up after the episode where Rob Corrdrey's parents came to visit. Their never having heard of Abbott & Costello or "Who's On First" didn't break me. "YOUR BROTHER'S ON THE GROUND IN AFGANISTAN!" didn't break me. No, what broke me was that when Rob and his parents reconciled at episode's end he