Jay See

Buzzy is the living embodiment of The Simpsons generic lawyer character and he is freaking me the fuck out.


It can be two things.

I er, uh, would also like to express my appreciation for that luggage combination.

I fucked your mom jokes last night.

It's 2-mor Kindergarten Cops than I intend to watch.

Honestly if it spares him and the world more embarrassments like A Dirty Shame I'd rather he stick to writing books. I love early to mid-Waters but everything from Pecker onward is a bust.

:::Dodgeball weeps silently in the corner:::

I pity the fool who isn't…he.

Women? In business? Now I've seen everything!

They know what they did.

I simply cannot Handel a pun thread right now.

:::pre-emptive deep breath:::

Pre-Crisis Superman's super-hypnosis worked it so that not only did everyone who saw Clark Kent saw him as weak and ineffectual, but his super-hypnosis was so powerful that it affected people who even saw Clark's picture in a newspaper.

"Possible drug overdose".

I will defend her season of Dexter as the last season that had any level of quality. Her character's name was stupid and on-the-nose (Lumen? Really?) but her journey dovetailed neatly with Dexter's recovering from Rita's death.

"Dear Idiot,

Da fuq is a thumblebrag?

Excuse me, but Dylan Bruce's character is named "Big Dick Paul".