Jay See


A sad ST8 of affairs.

And now your need to excuse homophobia is bordering on the pathological. Did whoever wrote this thing gloat "Ah-ha, I have created a great attack on homosexuals in the workplace!" while twirling his mustache? No. But there's no way the writer didn't know he was writing a gay joke and thought it was fine because gay.

It is Texas.

Your need to make excuses for homophobia is disturbing.

You're right, the joke would have been the same with any other fantasy figure. So they just happened to choose the one such figure whose name is a slur for a class of people who are actively discriminated against at pretty much every level of society and it was a complete coincidence. I don't care how low your

Not sure if you're being deliberately naive here or affirmatively stupid. Either way, you're pretty fucking appalling.

There is no way that fairy joke was not 100% intentional and 100% meant to be a gay reference. Whoever wrote it was just sorry they couldn't somehow work in a "nagger" reference.

John Rocker would like a word (but that word is blocked by Disqus).

Yes, it would be exactly like headlining the Red Wedding victims a week after the Red Wedding. I don't know why you couldn't or chose not to find the time to watch last week's episode but AVC editorial practices cannot be held hostage to the hypothetical media consumption of its potential readership.

I am as spoiler-averse as anyone and more so than many but noting a plot point a full seven days after the fact is unworthy of outrage, even if it is visible on the front page.

Best Job Look:

I wish this show had the balls to burn itself to the ground and rebuild from the ashes. I am checked out of every single character and story and I am ready for a 100% do-over.

This batshit hilarity of Eveard was almost enough to elevate this episode but that A plot was oh so very leaden. Is there some TV law against writing religious characters with more than two dimensions?

"Ophelia, by the way, is meant to be Fester’s biological niece."

You might find it easier to embroider it on a pillow. You could crochet it into a scarf though!


Hey Keith Urban, why the long face?

I'd like to say that I got "What is Darjeeling?" because I recently finished a very good book called All the Tea In China about how the British smuggled tea plants and seeds out of China and into India, breaking China's monopoly on the world tea market and generally creating the British Empire. But really it was a

:::Jeff finger-guns the judges:::