Jay See

I have no answer to your question, but I must register my delight that the finale answered the one question I had from the moment the series was announced: Would the court clerk in the series mispronounce O.J.'s name the way the clerk mispronounced it in real life? I paid little day-to-day attention to the trial but

It got off to an uneven start but course-corrected well and got pretty damn good by the end. Rhys-Meyers did not have the best handle on an American accent but otherwise was entertaining to watch. The real standouts were Nonso Anozie as a non-sniveling take-charge Renfield and the improbably named Victoria Smurfit as

:::pours one out for Crossbones and whatever the fuck that accent Malkovich was doing:::

Oh. OK then.

Not sure what your point is but Lindy is one of the few queer characters in mainstream film at the time who was proud and unapologetic and made it through the film without being murdered. So thanks for that, Joel Schumacher.

"People saw Batman and Robin as gay because that’s what they wanted to see."

I was hoping someone would go MTV Music Awards wedding dress BOY TOY belt buckle Madonna. Then I realized that two-thirds of the room wasn't even alive then.


So how do we feel about male Snatch Game impersonations becoming normalized? On the one hand I am wary of the challenge turning into one set of dudes impersonating another set of dudes. On the other hand I think there will be enough resistance to that concept that enough queens will opt for traditional impersonations

"I still don’t quite understand why Donnie’s death represents the end of the prosecution…"

Justin's dad begs to differ.

Did you miss The Golden Hump-ass then?

The grim and gritty origin story of Speedy Gonzales is that he trained for years to avenge the deaths of his parents, Jose Jiminez and the Frito Bandito.

I'm pretty sure though that a guy in a wheelchair would not get hired as an EMT either.

I don't understand the "Lip is instantly an alcoholic" criticism. He's been drinking regularly for over a decade. We've watched him getting drunk constantly over the last six seasons. He was a functioning alcoholic for a long time; now he's a non-functioning one. I agree that casting Helene as his reason for losing

My wife, Eleanor.

I mean, I hate the Heretics as much as anyone but TVD has a particularly atrocious track record on LGBT representation. We have these two characters killed off to serve no particular purpose. Before them we had Luke, who sacrificed himself in service to his heterosexual twin sister and his older heterosexual sister

There is the time factor but there is also the expense. Bunker's tattoos are all very dark/black which can be broken down by laser more quickly than other pigments but they cover pretty much his entire upper body. It's obvious from how the tattoos are rendered that Bunker is concentrating on the ones that are visible

"Losing custody of her kids has turned Carrie into a Huntress figure…"

Come on, everyone knows that TV police captains work active cases on a daily basis and never have to do any administrative or supervisory work whatsoever! Have we learned nothing from the last two seasons of Castle?*

*I have learned nothing from the last two seasons of Castle.