Jay See

Yay, two more dead queer characters! Thanks, The Vampire Diaries!




:::clears throat:::

Freudian or not I applaud the return of the Hat.



I loved the ceramic Dalmatian so much my grandmother made me one. I had it for some 15 years before I accidentally knocked it over. When it broke I cried.

Not on my watch!

God's Not Dead 6: The Aghast & the Spurious

The ACLU and Lambda Legal filed suit this morning. I haven't read it but I assume it relies heavily on Romer v. Evans, the last time a state tried to ban local anti-discrimination ordinances and it did not go well for it. These bans are motivated by pure animus disguised as religiosity and the Supreme Court has

You do understand that you have equated same-sex marriage with pornography here, yes?

I know the definition of all of those words but strung together in that order they have no meaning.

Ah Night Flight! I was in high school at just the right time and some of my fondest memories are of sneaking home after sneaking out to a showing of Rocky Horror and catching the second run of Saturday night's programming. Cherished highlights include repeated watchings of the punk rock documentary Another State of

Then, no.

One of the greatest moments of the original comes when Norman is sinking Marion's car in the swamp and it stops with the back end still sticking out. There's unbelievable tension as we sit and wonder how the hell he's gonna deal with that until it finally slides in on its own and we breathe a sigh of relief, possibly

I know, and that's an objection I've made about these reviews before, that the reviewer needs either to not watch ahead or not write even vague spoilers in the reviews. I honestly don't understand why, when we can have multiple reviews from multiple reviewers for Game of Thrones to avoid book-based spoilers, AVC can't

Why would a battery company sponsor a male objectification wee….Oooooohh.

Paul de Feu, ex-husband of Germaine Greer, who posed nude for the French edition of Cosmo, remains OK with his choice because he's been dead since 2013.