Jay See

Trump is totally down with immigrant women in bikinis. They're who he turns to because no American will take the job of Mrs. Donald Trump.

That man has never used a word that sounds like another word but has a different spelling and meaning in his life!

Seems like old times.

Next time just use all the syllables. "Cuckolded" is a perfectly cromulent word and has the advantage of not making you sound like a douche.

Wait, what? There's an X-Man named after the breast enlargement cream that Veronica Mars was humiliated on cable access for having used?

There was no warming…

…nah, too obvious.

Hipster Coolverine's skeleton is coated in irony.

So Destiny, a woman who in the comics was aged somewhere between 50 and 200, is being retconned into a 30 year old. Great work everyone!

That's what passes for entertainment these days?

As kids a friend and I decided to beat the Whac-a-Mole by forgoing the mallets in favor of holding our hands over the mole holes. We maxed out our tickets but the massive bruising on the heels of our hands was not worth it.

Viacom channels are just the worst about repeating shows through the week. Can't find the time to rerun this week's episode of Teen Wolf even later the same night like they did every season before this one but by god we can run marathons of Teen Mom OG every goddamn day. And their On Demand is a joke with episodes

I'd have to go back but I thought part of the deal with Patrick was a written lease. I know the lease was specifically discussed because it was for some comically long term (like 50 or 100 years) but I don't care enough to go back and rewatch the relevant episode. It's addressed well enough for the person who isn't an

The eviction still doesn't ring true for me. I have not spent a lot of time researching Chicago tenancy laws but I have a hard time believing that the bank would have no obligation to the long-standing tenants with a long-term lease. Ah well, at least the show correctly had the sheriff's department handling the

I started tonight with an enormous goofy grin at the Jester's song and I ended tonight with an enormous goofy grin at "I have a dragon!" and really, who could ask for more?

Fifty Shades of Blech

Of all the times not to bait Whovian. Not cool, dude.

He continued this into his work on the sort-of follow-up Young All-Stars, most notably lifting the origin of Arn "Iron" Munro from Philip Wylie's Gladiator (which itself is likely the source for Superman). Roy Thomas had the flat-out weirdest theory to inform his creative process. He theorized that the "super-energy"


As long as there are flashbacks and time travel he'll be sleeping with one eye open.

RIP Jellybean.