Jay See

But they could just as easily have shifted her to a spinoff without killing her off and subjecting us to that entire nonsensical story arc. It would have made it harder to move Laurel into the Black Canary slot but that would have been a small hurdle to overcome to spare us the suck.

Responding to a Simpsons reference with a wikilink? That's a paddlin'.

I wouldn't make it a priority but if you ever need to decompress after, say, a Hannibal or The Americans marathon it's a good show to have on the backburner.

The What Festival?

I was impressed probably more than I should have been that the resolution to this arc was not simply a press of the reset button. Yes, Liz is mostly cleared of the charges against her but she still has to face the repercussions of killing the Attorney General, even if she does get a slap on the wrist. Having her freed

Scheduling the Heroes finale across from the Legends premiere. Truly NBC's stupidity knows no bounds.

"I’m a fan of Bill Cosby’s from the Bill Cosby show, of course—who’s not?"

Something something New Coke tasted like piss.

Mall scene from Night of the Comet but you can stay either way.

I love shopping at Cold Topic.

Hamill camel.

Has Hulu ever explained why you can't access regular Hulu (not Hulu+) on a tablet yet they have no app? That shit is infuriating.

2001: Hannibal Can't Carry Manhunter's Jock

Brendan Fraser and Matt Damon fighting naked in the shower? Oh yes, I remember.

Oh yeah, not meaning to come across as disregarding your experience with the material at all. I've done similar research regarding the LGBT experience in the same time period and I'm sure I'd have some of the same suspension of disbelief problems too except there are virtually no filmic examples of the LGBT experience

Not that I entirely disagree with you but if any state is going to foster any level of racial tolerance in 1947 that would allow an interracial kiss in that isolated setting it's going to be California. The MCU has already bent racial history by presenting an integrated Army unit in World War II (something that didn't

Oh don't get me wrong, I adore The Fountainhead. I saw it years before I read the book or knew anything about Rand and loved it. Gary Cooper is hilariously inexpressive as Roarke, Neal's clench-jawed delivery makes her a perfect Dominique, Raymond Massey is clearly playing Gail as the closet case that he is and Robert

So…Larry Craig.

Corinthian One and Corinthian Two were my favorite characters from The Cat In the Hat.

— Mrs. Rolf Bernischke