Jay See

I've been dipping in and out of 21 Jump Street over the past few months. First impression is that it really does not age well. I was square in the demo when it first aired (except for being gay, which wasn't anyone's demo in 1987) and was a fairly avid watcher. In repeats I am finding nothing to relate to in either

Patricia Neal? Semi-forgotten?!

I went with "What are Louisiana and Florida?" for FJ, because French.

Oh hi, welcome to the Internet, this must be your first day.

I understand this reference!

"MILK Day"?

Today in #ThrowbackTrebekIsAnAsshole

I misinterpreted the FJ clue so hard, you guys! I thought it was asking for an author so I wracked my brains for a book with the word "rabbit" in the title. I lighted on the Rabbit series, which, not having read the Rabbit series, I thought might have something to do with rabbits and landed on "Who is John Updike?"

That Alaskan guy on Jeopardy? Yeah, I Nome.

They didn't catch that guy who recycled the "all you can eat fish" story from The Simpsons, they aren't gonna catch you.

Dishonorable mention has to go to Billy and Chuck, Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo playing gay lovers who went so far as to start a "life partnership" ceremony in the ring before admitting they were )surprise!) really straight. Not only did it pander to the worst anti-gay impulses of wrestling fans at a time when the

Adam's exact thought process on FJ: "He was a slave owner so it's gotta be a Negro spiritual. What's the name of any Negro spirituals? 'What is "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"?'"

Black hair and green eyes really do it for me.

This Week In Jay See's Vaguely Sexual Weird Situation

Fun Fact: On the show they play mother and son.

No, no, no, Zac Efron as Joe Buck.

I've been alternating between "Oliver! Oliver!" and "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" and both are pretty damn amazing.

Dog Day Afternoon In the Park With George
