Jay See

"(or here, depending on how you look at it)"? What's so interesting abou-

— Actor in any given Bryan Singer film

I've been catching some Hill Street Blues on H&I and Caruso plays the leader of the Irish gang. He was every bit as pasty then as he is now. If he ever dyes his hair black he'll look like a photographic negative.

So more of a mausoleum.

Sheila answered "What is Death in the Cathedral?" with such confidence that I doubted my correct answer. That's kind of a disturbing level of authority at selling a mistake for a nurse to possess.

Even if I hadn't already loved Merritt Wever, after her Emmy acceptance speech I would have loved Merritt Wever. Her Zoet Barko was consistently the best thing about Nurse Jackie, continuing to shine through the series' final two thoroughly unnecessary seasons.

The ghost of Margaret Thatcher nods in silent approval…

If I wind up watching this, it will be because MTV and associated Viacom properties delay VOD releases by eight days, so if you miss an episode there is literally no way to catch up.

For the first time in a long time I would have been happy with any of the three contestants winding up as Champion. I will admit to Steve's The Full Monty story checking an extra box in his favor. Yes he's hot, but I will always support an attractive dude willing to parade on stage in a mullet wig and a thong, even if

Too masculine.

Brigitte Nielsen's sperm count was high enough for the both of them.

You're a good son.

Under intense political pressure Creed 2 producers digitally swap out the big Russian for Kim Jong Un.

In one of the Pink Panther movies Clouseau is being pursued by an assassin with Elsa Kleb-like spikes that pop out of her nipples. She hugs Clouseau in an attempt to deliver the killing blow but winds up just impaling the giant pretzel Clouseau had just purchased instead.

A whole lot of someones.

Um, that's not glue.

FOX Standards & Practices: "Uh, we object to the term 'Hellfire' when you could have said 'Heckfire'."

Or depending on genre may represent you extremely well.

I was equal parts appalled at the old-timey racism and amused by the image of sportswriters thinking up alliterative nicknames for Joe Louis to convey that he was both a fighter and not white.

The music cues during Cat's interrogation of Kara were so jarring they took me completely out of the episode. That plot did not belong in the same episode as Max's creepy yet perfunctory torture of James.