Jay See

Join us in 2016 for another season of Everybody Loves Carrie! I wouldn't have been at all surprised if Dar Adal had declared his devotion by episode's end.

So I got a new digital sub-channel the other day, Heroes & Icons. Programming seems to center around 80s and 90s action hero shows. Blocks include Renegade, Hunter and 21 Jump Street.

I went to the obvious Notre Dame for FJ but second guessed myself thinking it was the cemetery where Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison were buried.

I knew Simpson was gonna turn out to be a supervillain. Nobody with a mouth that pursed can wind up a good guy.

I mean, I've seen enough trans parent dramas to know from the jump that Sonny was gonna tell Liz that he recognized her all along but this show is so constantly WTF that it was nice to get this grounded interpersonal moment.

"I don't care what you say, KISS is great and this movie is awesome!"

Atta girl!

After 55 episodes of AHS Sarah Paulson accepted the role of Marcia Clark in American Crime Story. I'm not so sure she does deserve better.

I missed "data dump" because there was another D-word synonym for "data" in the clue and my brain locked in on the synonym and would not let go.

Caroline didn't want to rub salt in the wound (although ironically rubbing salt in the wound is one of Hannibal's preferred seasoning techniques).

Would you say…we're your only hope?

Anesthetic is guaranteed unconsciousness. If she hits him too lightly he may not be knocked out which allows him the chance to escape and if she hits him too hard she could permanently incapacitate or kill him which leave Hope on the hook for her parents' murder.

As a contestant I would have been worried that the clue was going to want one of the herd of YA dystopia franchise authors that have been littering the literary and cinematic landscapes for the past several years. I might be able to figure out the franchise based on clue context but no way could I have named an author.

I'm assuming it will be Chariots of Fire but I dearly hope that IMdB thinks Ben Cross is best known for that abysmal Dark Shadows reboot from the early 1990s because it will prove that I am not making up that abysmal Dark Shadows reboot from the early 1990s.

One last "Mad Men is the best show evarrrr" list and now we never have to put up with it again.

So, Thursday?

Just because he's not in a position to actively manipulate anyone doesn't mean that pre-programmed commands won't be carried out. Kilgrave's influence wears off over time.

My name is Mandy Patinkin. You killed my line readings. Prepare to die.

The search for Hope, you mean.

I may have been inappropriately amused when Kilgrave the Hero immediately followed his heroic rescue of the Hostage Family by ordering Father Hostage to put his shotgun in his mouth. Having Kilgrave immediately explain how logical making the guy blow his own head off and not really finding too may flaws in the logic