Jay See

The difference is that Jessica as far as I remember doesn't agree to a course of action with a partner and then immediately dump the plan and then lie about it. Whereas Simpson agreed to work with Trish and formulated a plan with her only to dump the plan and lie about it out of a sense of protecting "his" woman. It's

I figured that "The Landlady" (1984) was a lock for this entry (shows what I know) so I spent a little time yesterday poking around some sources to refresh myself on it. I was struck by two things: How relevant an episode whose message of "love is what makes a family" remains in 2015 despite the Supreme Court's ruling

I watched the first season but right before season two my cable company took Pivot away from me. I've been stewing about it for years.

Very happy to see Banshee get some love. It's been kind of a red-headed step-child of TV throughout its run, with praise of it being qualified by its status as an action series as if being an action series and being quality television are somehow mutually exclusive. The depth of characterization in a show that could

I was pleasantly surprised to see Geoff Stults turn up in the first season of the Netflix series Grace & Frankie. I'm only on episode two and so far he hasn't had much to do but what he's done has been fun. I first saw him in the backdoor pilot for The Finder that aired on Bones and I promise it wasn't just that he

I've been a fan of Linda Ellerbee's since reading her first memoir, And So It Goes. Sharp, funny, insightful writing with some great stories and a dollop of dirt to spice it up. I know I watched at least some episodes of her series Our World but don't have many clear memories of it. Each episode selected an event or

As slow as he was Katie was worse. She picked every clue like she was trying to decide which Happy Meal to order.

I've become a little concerned that the DEO is willing to expose Kara to kryptonite for purposes of sparring. We don't know in this universe what the effects of repeated low-level exposure to kryptonite radiation is but in the comics such exposure causes cancer in humans. I'd hate to see Kara get a tumor that her

Yes, being spoiled for a TV show entitles me to call you a spoiler bitch. Your sanctimonious insistence that your posting of spoilers was somehow not a wrong thing entitles me to call you a bitch again. Although I haven't yet, your claim that it's OK to post spoilers for something you have seen because other people

Batman '66 is a duly deputized agent of the Gotham City Police Department and as such is bound by the Fourth Amendment per Mapp v. Ohio 367 U.S. 643 (1961).

Well you know, I don't come to this comment section just once per day. It shouldn't be on me to remember that some bitch posted a spoiler thread and then have to scroll carefully through it time after time after time in hopes that I catch the spoiler thread posted by the spoiler bitch so I can close it before my eyes

Hey Abigail, just wanted to say thank you for coming into a completely unrelated comment section and spoiling Jessica Jones. I was just about to start episode 8 and I'm sure my enjoyment of it and the rest of the remaining episodes will be enhanced immeasurably by knowing exactly how the series ends. I only hope I can

So Many Pouches, So Few Feet: A Treatise on the Great Liefeld Excavation of 2337

The correct answer is that rapacious asshole who raised the price of that AIDS drug so he could buy that Wu-Tang album.

:::Gregory XIII whistles nonchalantly:::

The look of distaste shading to horror that crosses her face every time I suggest it has dissuaded me from pursuing it. She's also refused to watch season three of Veronica Mars, which is somewhat understandable although I like S3 better than most people do, but she has expressed willingness to watch season three of


Favorite New Yorker Cartoon Thread:

I have heard exactly one of these, "Run and Tell That", and it is IMHO the worst song of the musical and the one I always skip when listening to the OCR. I didn't care for it watching it on Broadway and subsequent listenings did nothing to change my opinion. Even though it's the more obvious shot at a standard I much

Robia, just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show; I should really just relax."