Jay See

Jasmine was only one of the Powers That Be. If it makes you feel any better, just assume she was out of the office on Christmas.

I've tried to get my BFF, to whom I have introduced off the top of
my head Carnivale, Enlisted, Twin Peaks, Max Headroom, Rectify,
Enlisted, Happy Endings, The Prisoner, Firefly and Southland, to watch Buffy and she refuses. I'm trying not to let it affect our friendship but it's tough. It's tough.

I came into BtVS late because my cable company didn't carry the home channel for the first two seasons. When it finally did become available I almost didn't watch it because I don't like joining a series in the middle. You have no idea how glad I am that I didn't stick with that decision. I didn't know the backstory

A sitcom will get attention on NBC. Riiiiiiiight.

No mention of Patty Duke can pass without a story or two from Valley of the Dolls. Patty played Neely O'Hara, a singer and movie star allegedly based on Judy Garland. Neely's primary antagonist is Broadway legend Helen Lawson. Helen was originally to be played by…Judy Garland. When Garland was fired she was replaced

"Quinn first saw Jade when she was 16. Gross."

I knew I should've watched the RuPaul Christmas Special instead.

Repo Man among others.

One of the hostages would have been a priest and Jake would have said "Yippe-ki-yay, mother…" :::glance::: "…Father."

The bomb threat cold open was way too telegraphed. I generally expect B99 to do better. And if Zeke didn't have a job last season either I find it hard to believe that Terry would be cowed just based on physical size.


Everything's better with Johnson!

Something something turning tight end into wide receiver.

Where the hell have you been!

Man, that Sharon Gless really was CBS's go-to pinch hitter, wasn't she? First House Calls then she gets called for Cagney & Lacey after Meg Foster was deemed "too dykey".

Sadly, the Lege voted down that resolution that would have encouraged the state to pursue secession. But the same Lege voted not to move the 2016 convention out of Dallas to punish the city for recently strengthening its LGBT protections, so, progress?

I'm looking forward to the GOP's brokered convention which will drive both Trump and Carson to run as independents.

Following a couple of obscure parts Steve Buscemi came out blazing with a star turn in the indie film Parting Glances (1986). Buscemi plays Nick, an avant garde recording artist with AIDS who's part of the film's central love triangle with frustrated novelist Michael (Richard Ganoung) and international health adviser

I'll take "No Way In Hell Did I Expect Her To Become Champion After That Shitty First Round" for $400 please, Alex.

You're really raising Caine while Rampling up your comment count.