Jay See

Your unit threw a party to celebrate a religious holiday but was barred from performing Christmas music on the grounds of religion? And it never occurred to anyone that if singing a religious song was a violation of someone's First Amendment rights then throwing the party was too?

Point of order: Hamill played the Trickster in the 1990 Flash series so his Joker was his Trickster first.

I too was struck by that omission.

:::creates meatball-on-toothpick gimmick account:::

Wings Hauser played stone cold pimp Ramrod in the 1982 exploitationish film Vice Squad. It played on HBO on the regular throughout the mid-80s and I rarely missed it and rarely found it to be less than terrifying. Plus it's where I learned what a golden shower is.


Or they at least should know Ava's famous quote about why she married a scrawny guy like Sinatra: "He's only 110 pounds but 100 pounds of it is cock!"

Also Absent, Also Noteworthy: Just before its prime time Christmas lineup TCM is showing Victor Victoria, a minor modern classic starring Julie Andrews as a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. Both Andrews and James Garner were about two decades too old for their roles but still acquitted themselves

There is something about contestant Alex that just bugs. Maybe it's the quantifiable air of smugness that he projected well before he came close to earning it. But he makes my teeth itch. My heart sank when he put it away on that last clue.

I fell asleep for about ten minutes in the middle of the episode. I nodded off just as Stefan and Damon found the slain Santas and woke up on a Bonnie/Nora scene. I feel absolutely no interest in checking out those ten minutes online. Again I ask myself, why am I still watching this show?

Steve-O? More like Leave-O, amirite?

Slipping n in is what got Jared in trouble in the first place!

:::Fat Nixon waits, dejected, by the phone:::

You're doin' a hell of a job, Threepie!

Goodwill does not care about resting bitchface people.

If season two turned out to be Grace and Frankie driving around in a van solving mysteries I would shotgun that motherfucker.

The children of elderly queer people are gonna tend to be of an age where "incredibly annoying" is the default setting. The only moment of season one that really sang for me was when Maura told her awful daughter what an awful person she was.

He must not have seen The A.V. Club's comprehensive Luise Rainer obituary. One of the finest pieces of writing the site has ever posted.

Of course the conspiracy theory was that Jack Kirby was going to file suit against Marvel and win the rights to all of the characters he created/co-created in the early days. If that happened, with a dynamic New Universe in its back pocket Marvel could suffer the loss of the the bigs and stay in business. The other

Quote culled from a thread on another message board with a long-dead link to the source, from Shooter: