Jay See

Is this Starbrand the same character from the New Universe series? You know, the guy who casually murdered the guys he was fighting and who had semi-consensual sex with a quasi-retarded woman who quacked?

It's a vibranium/iron alloy composite with an "unknown catalyst" that entered the process while the scientist running the experiment was asleep.

"Some say it improves dramatically late in Season 1, others say it's
still a much, much lesser show compared to Daredevil and JJ and also
Agent Carter."

Sit down, Captain Hammer.

There's a huge difference between stopping an active shooter with deadly force and stopping a serial rapist with deadly force when he's not actively engaged in (what the law recognizes as) rape.

Don't forget Agent Carter! She's not technically a "superhero" but really, if Black Widow is a superhero so is Peggy Carter.

Captain America's shield in the comics is made of an unknown alloy, created in an accident that could never be duplicated. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe said that it was adamantium but an Avengers writer (I wanna say Curt Busiek but I could be completely wrong) took the extraordinary step of having

Probably best not to mention it. I'd hate the inevitable avalanche of think-pieces if Jessica Jones got Fridged.

It wouldn't be about whether the skeleton would infringe on the rights to the Wolverine character, it's whether the adamantium would infringe on the rights to the fictional metal. Despite the fact that adamantium was introduced in Avengers. The skeleton, marvel could just point out that more than one character has an

I saw Risky Business in the theater. With my dad. Tom Cruise's underwear dance and masturbation scenes made for an uncomfortable movie-going experience for teenage closeted me.

I'm not saying that Kilgrave doesn't have male entitlement issues, just that I find the character's motivations to be far more complex than that.

Ugh, Meg-from-Family-Guy-Viewer-Mail-episode-ripoff character, I had hoped never to be reminded of her again.

Kilgrave is insane both in the legal sense (which requires one to be able to differentiate between right and wrong) and in the clinical sense (by exhibiting any number of diagnosable conditions).

Except for being completely delusional about what love is, about what consent is, about who Jessica is and how he reacts exactly like every other insane stalker, yes, Kilgrave has a super glue level grip on his faculties.

MCU informational question: Does the Vault or any other of the various specialty prisons exist in the MCU and if so is their existence known to the general public? I have some vague memory of a mention of the Vault in an episode of AoS but what's known to SHIELD and what's known to the public are very different things.

It's based on the classic The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith.

We live in a world where Empire gets multiple nominations while Rectify gets none. We do not live in a good world.

Also, the characters were put through a wringer, not a ringer.

"We'll starve."
"I won't."

Since the site for which I freelanced got folded into another site this has become the only commentarium whete I spend any time. I'll occasionally drop a comment on a HuffPo article or on one of a couple of sites that get close to zero comments on any story but if this place ever went under my comments section