Jay See

For me he was first Barney Gerber, Jodie Dallas's hospital roommate who convinced Jodie not to go through with his suicide attempt on Soap.

I haven't seen or heard anything of Hamilton beyond these excerpts but what I have seen leads me to believe it's exactly the sort of glib, overly clever by half piles of hot garbage that polluted my parents' cast recording collections through my childhood. And the clues were too goddamn long.

:spends several moments trying to think of a word for corpse that rhymes with sister to make twisted sister pun, fails, shrugs, gives up:::

I…may have had an unfair adntage in FJ since I…may live in the city in question.

Between this and You're the Worst Justin Kirk has been on a guest shot rampage this season. Someone get him a series regular slot, stat.

Every Earth has Mr. Jiggle Wiggle, Operetta.

New door; who dis?

There's a terrible reality show called Party Down South and even though I know better I get excited every time I scroll through my on-screen cable guide and see "Party Down" only for utter disappointment to set in when "South" immediately follows.

This comment does not start until Cissy gets her snacks!

Then we all win.

Rambo investigates the murder of a Kansas farm family in Rambo: In Cold Blood.

When I saw the obit online I dug up my copy of her memoir, A Low Life In High Heels, and holy shit that was from almost 25 years ago. Now on the top of my re-read pile.

It was a giant fuck you not only to the character but to anyone who cared about the character. "Oh, you like what we did with Donna over the course of her time on the show? Well fuck you because we're undoing every goddamn bit of it just because we can." And come on, fucking Mickey gets a happy ending but not Donna? I

I will never forgive that. Donna is hands down the best nu-Who Companion and sending her out like that, mind-raped and devolved to her original character state, was criminal.

I asked myself after the episode this very question, why am I still watching? I watched it for the first couple of seasons because I liked the show, then the next few seasons I watched because I got paid to review it. That ended a couple of seasons ago. So, my answer to why I'm still watching was a shrug and a trip to

Her defining characteristic is that she was mind-raped, though. The character and the show are literally built around that characteristic. We're being shown and told over and over that her actions and decisions are rooted entirely in her PTSD and if how she acts and decides things pre-K aren't markedly different than

The pre- and post-Kilgrave JJ personality takes simply weren't differentiated enough here. I didn't believe for a minute that the pre-K JJ would have ever entertained the notion of dressing up in a superhero costume. Even though someone decided to jettison her Jewel identity and costume, I needed some level of

:::makes OK gesture:::

Offer them both, make yourself a one-stop shop.

Valencia?! These are juice oranges!