Jay See

I've always liked Patsy Walker as a character back from her days with the Defenders and I like how they've modified and incorporated her origins as a media figure (from comic book star in the comics to teen TV star here). I'm quite curious whether they will retain another chunk of her backstory, her abusive marriage

My favorite scene of this episode (the weakest so far but still not too shabby) was Simpson and Trish sitting and talking toward the end with Trish still lightly clasping the gun. Just a fantastic character beat for her and a great moment.

That "Dammit" after Dodd got pillow cased. I can't even. So much brilliance.

"Peter Hook" sounds like the worst sex toy imaginable, and I've imagined a few.

That man has never tossed a keg of beer in his life!

I'm seein' double here! Four Mountains!

A comparison, sure, but it doesn't warrant ignoring that the two shows are completely different in style, tone, perspective and intent.

Not having read the comments, prolly been covered already, I am deeply disappointed that Tommy asked Meg why did she "fuck" him instead of why did she "rape" him. In the last few TV seasons there have been an uncommonly large number of male rape victims and there has been virtually no conversation about it.

The Audience Will Commit Suicide Squad

I'm hoping that the scenario will end with Cornelia driving the pin of that brooch directly through FIL's eye.

Bertie Got Back

She doesn't push people away only because she's hurting. She distances them because she literally can't know who she can trust. She says as much in episode 2, telling Trish that she can't know which of the people near her might have been programmed by Kilgrave.

Cheese 'n' crackers!

My immediate reaction was that it was a mistake for the show to have its first face to face between Jessica and Kilgrave this early. Kilgrave has worked so well thus far as a figure cloaked in shadow and background menace that brining him forward this early felt initially wrong. As I go forward I'll be monitoring

Not knowing what period your lifetime covers, living through the 1980s and early 1990s Pat Buchanan got plenty of mainstream attention and sufficient popularity to force the GOP to give him a key spot at the 1992 convention. This was Buchanan's infamous "Culture Wars" speech, which is credited by many with tanking

That answer really put her behind the 9-ball.

"Although I have never seen an episode of this series in my life and believe that it possibly does not really exist, let me express a few definitive thoughts."

The three year actual duration of the conflict did not stop them from having way more than three winters and at least that many Christmas episodes. Although the tally is muddied by that one episode that spans an entire year and which confused me mightily as a youngster because I thought it meant that every previous

But you said you were down with Sergio!

While popular in Cantonese cuisine, are not often to be found in Washington DC!