Jay See

Sheesh! I'll take a crab juice.

If Your Erection Lasts More Than Four Hours Consult a Physician, Charles Brown

Her name is Sommer so I'm guessing heat wave.

Oh, I don't like him anymore.

I'll have you know that on this week's Gotham Ben McKenzie almost made a facial expression! Good day, sir!

The 1990 Flash series had a retired vigilante from the 1950s called Nightshade. Sadly the actor who portrayed him has died but reprising the character would be outstanding.

And he came out in the most boss way possible, declining an invite to attend a Russian film festival because of their evil anti-gay laws: "As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes. However, as a gay man, I must decline.

Why would they not find records of someone named Harrison Wells? He existed on Earth-1 before Eobard Thawne intruded on the timeline.

Someone please put John Benjamin Hickey and Justin Kirk in a buddy comedy, stat!

We can handwave her taking six months to show up as her not knowing right away that Eddie died (how was his death handled by the CCPD anyway?). What I didn't care for was the instant forgiveness by Iris. This is the same Iris who got furious more than once last season because people were lying and keeping secrets and

Before he launched his imprint I hope Shatner weighed the pros and KAAAAAAAAAAHNS!

I watched the pilot and laughed exactly once. The plot was a warmed over rehash of about three separate sitcom staples and the actors might as well have been cardboard cutouts for the depth they brought to their roles.

It's Bristol's nickname because she keeps getting filled in if you know what I mean.

At least it's an ethos.

:::tape recorder falls from coat, Doobie Brothers glare:::

Sean Hayes it is!

Would you accept Sean Young?

If you answered "The A.V. Club" you were wrong. It was never popular.

Why Is This Happening?

He just likes dogs!