Jay See

Please enjoy this tall cool glass of CancerAIDS.

It's all part of the site's Fargo troll. First it leaves Fargo out of WOT week after week, then it continues to review a show across from it that no one is watching because we're all watching Fargo. It's a long strange game they're playing but by god they're playing it to the end.

That whole family is just the best. "That's the story of why we had hot dogs for dinner again" was the line of the episode.

What kind of bread should Rye sliders be served on? Rye seems a bit on the nose, especially if the nose is in the slider.

I just am not seeing Mike as particularly threatening. I mean yes, he will fuck you up, but there's no palpable air of menace that Malvo oozed from his pores like musk. I realize the comparison isn't entirely fair but then it's the show that's asking me to make it.

I have it on good authority that Scalia is a lich. Unlike Thomas, who is a lech.

George W. Bush loves dead people! He could always count on their votes!

He has binders full of Hispanics. Yuuuuge binders.

:::runs out sobbing:::

Lucas should have known he was asking for trouble when he created JewJew Binks.

Sir, if you'd just quiet down, I'd be happy to treat you to a garbage bag full of popcorn.

PBS: not a slave to public opinion.

Glee hit its creative peak with Rachel's video for this song. Everything from Rachel's Broadway-style emoting in a hallway full of students who could not give a fuck she's shooting to predatory gay Sandy Ryerson's duck waddle to the BANG flag to the hideous video effects (STAR WIPE! DOUBLE STAR WIPE!) are perfection.

I saw Blue Velvet on the big screen in Fort Worth and by the time it was done there were only three people left in the theater, me and the two friends I went with (because I was their ride).

I haven't seen this since HBO back in the 80s but I remember it being just shamelessly emotionally manipulative. The "Hot rocks are red! Cold rocks are blue!" scene with Stoltz and Dern in particular stands out in my memory. This is one of the films people point to when saying Cher is a talented actress and I agree

I do indeed. Not sure how I managed to reverse that.

Attacking one's publisher is not an automatic disqualification to being published. Laurie also has the option of self-publishing, although an Amazon e-book would have a lot less impact than a national book tour and the possibility of joining Oprah's Book Club.

A little from column A, a little from column B. That is a bad picture but the show has also uglied him up this season. Also he has a mouth full of grilled cheese so his cheeks and jawline are oddly set.

That's because the Internet doesn't consider male-on-female female-on-male rape to be real rape. At almost the same time that the Internet lost its mind over Circe and Jaime Lannister's ambiguous rape scene there were three or four male characters raped by women on different shows and there wasn't a single

And here we have the entire reason why male rape victims under-report even more than female victims do, summed up in two misspelled, ungrammatical sentences.