Jay See

I would rather this show just be Ric/Damon/Bonnie because they're the only characters at this point I care about. Stefan has been dull for years, Caroline could have been interesting if they had done literally anything other than hooking her up with Stefan, Lily and the Heretics are cartoon villains, same for Enzo.

The first six seasons of this series were so time-compressed that "three years from now" is like, the day before yesterday.

Episode 1: It is hours before the debut of The Lester Guy Show and the cast and crew are frantically putting the final touches on the show, including rehearsing the dramatic centerpiece, the Kitchen Scene. All goes well in rehearsal but a comical head injury to Lester during the live open, a sound board mishap that

Jay See's Old Videotapes, Volume 7

But the frogurt came with their choice of toppings!

I have the series on a bootleg VHS purchased off eBay a million years ago and a few months back did a review here. A lot of OTA works really well but a lot of it really doesn't. Lynch tries a little too hard at times and the slapstick for slapstick's sake he relies on is too much. But the Mr. Peanuts episode is

That entire season could have been saved if they'd have done just one fewer episode on the farm and tacked it onto the back end. The problem was they knew where they wanted to start and where they wanted to end the front half but miscalculated how much story they could properly tell in between.

He was also one of the stars of Lynch's failed sitcom On the Air, playing the director of the series-within-the-series, The Lester Guy Show.

The Hurley subplot was a deliberate "fuck you" to the network, which kept demanding more soap opera-style romance. Lynch was able to deflect a lot of that with the "Invitation to Love" show-within-a-show in season one but with him away from the helm for much of season two the network forced the issue. The show's

Not with that attitude.

Just like that gum you like.

*J/O moji*

Dead outside would be better.

I thought that was Chris Zylka who got death-raped but Max Greenfield is an eminently acceptable substitution.

I like High Anxiety a lot and have never laughed once at Young Frankenstein. COME AT ME, BITCHES.

TZ:TM, despite any other problems will always score points for years later to allow a for a great "Terror at 30,000 Feet" gag on 3rd Rock from the Sun. Lithgow was the lead alien and Shatner was his boss. In Shatner's first appearance the aliens meet him at the airport and Lithgow asks how his flight was. Shatner

God, I hate cutsie-poo bets like Matt's on the DD and FJ. Five dollars? Just bet $100 if you're that unsure, even though any brain dead nitwit should have been able to figure out the soundalike "Monte Christo".

Cartoon superheroes screwing, shitting, swearing and making vibrator jokes? Still better than Arrow season 3, amirite?

If he's still alive the beating was not merciless enough.

Yeah right, your girlfriend who lives in Canada.