Jay See

Does Harley exist in the DCTVU or just the DCCU? Since there's a separate (and probably terrible) Flash movie in the works that's separate from the TV continuity, Harley and Joker's presence in the films doesn't prove that Batman exists in the TV universe.

Since Ronnie was also on that list I'm pretty much OK with it was a different Al or it was another death that Thawne assumed but was wrong about.

I booed at the TV simply because it wasn't clever. This series in particular (and Arrow to a lesser extent) has done a really good job in casually incorporating elements from the comics to a greater or lesser extent that came off as natural touchpoints of the world. For Cisco to blatantly say what amounts to "I READ

Or there could be two people in Central City named Al Rothstein. But I prefer my "Zoom pulled him from an alt-universe/timeline" theory below.

Stein and Firestorm were but I don't know if that was new effects footage for Firestorm or just grabbed from a Flash episode.

What I heard which I suppose is vaguely spoilerish is that on LoT we're going to see a "different aspect of Firestorm". By which I assume there's going to be a different person in the merger. I know that on Batman: The Brave and the Bold the Firestorm form was black so that'd be a quick and easy way to add another

I really wish they had put of Henry's departure until next episode. Give Barry the unadulterated win for once.

I didn't know until a couple of days ago that Robbie Amell wasn't going to be on LoT. Thinking about it it's obvious that from a logistics and a budget standpoint it would be extremely difficult to have Stein, Ronnie and Caitlyn as regulars or recurring on both series. Still, I have liked Amell for a while and I liked

I've been hoping that the original Flash series would become straight-up canon since well before the debut and I would be willing to sacrifice more than one virgin to Greg Berlanti if Shipp donned the uniform again as an alt-universe or a future Flash (or both). This is the A.V. Club, we have a couple of extra virgins

It's not that I like Cisco now. It's that so many characters I like and respect don't think he's terrible that I'm doubting myself.

There's still time!

Aw, who's buying the cutest widdle bottles of vodka with food stamps?

Jaden and Willow are going on special dates? I had no idea the Fresh Prince sat atop the Iron Throne.

Hologram Tupac or GTFO

I watched a couple of episodes of Celebrity Bowling last week on one of the retro channels. Entertaining in a "these people are on current hit shows, why are they doing this?" sort of way. Angie Dickinson was an atrocious bowler.

Big week for lie detectors. First Tori Spelling on Lifetime and now this.

I take it you have not seen the episode where Castle literally falls into an alternate universe?

This may be the hardest Trebek has worked in years to engage a champion. Teasing him about the fingers, cajoling him about betting $6,000 or not on DDs, dragging tidbits about his grandfather out of him (who it must be said does seem like a hell of a guy). Ol' Alex is really earning his (probably obscenely large)

I believe you mean "Jesse L. Martin and John Wesley Shipp, Awesome Dads".

I said in last week's comments that I was dropping this show but wound up watching this episode out of complete inertia. It was better than the first two but not only is the case of the week structure done so much better elsewhere, the review touches on my biggest problem with the series. We're supposed to be rooting