Jay See

I will admit I was worried by Talia's mid-FJ rally but she quelled any concerns by reverting to the need to perform the six basic ballet positions before hitting her buzzer.

Don't praise the court.

Juanna Mannibal

Paquin should play the Sandy Duncan role, the uptight bitch who first teaches Kizzy to read and then sells her without a second thought or walk away.

America has never met a racist epithet it refuses to embrace.

I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday and she said "get something that makes me look pretty" so I got drunk.

Pffft, a real old-timey college kid would be off the France to fight the Hun, ya poser.

That can't be easy.

:::Brian Patrick Clarke's answer bleeped for broadcast:::

This is football. All the people wanna hear about are touchdowns and injuries. They don't give a damn 'bout that grape shit.

He was French, does that answer your question?

I mean, I'll fight for the right of anyone to use the word "gay" as an insult but I'll also remember that they did and mark them as unrelievedly an asshole.

Speaking of oversized CGI monsters, how come the "Trump and Cruz are getting sued" Newswire doesn't appear on either the front page or on the main Newswire page?

Not if you live in the penthouse!

Sex And the City 2: The Legend of Curly's G-spot

It'll stirrup nothing but trouble.

You fool, that's what killed Elvis!

Is there any better use of the moderate fame of the second-tier comedian?

Why is yours?