
to each his own

Going to have to disagree with you, but to each their own.

My only Cillian Murphy fun fact is that he was originally going to play the lead in Once.

I've gotten a definite Don Draper feel from the character, along those lines.

Yeah, the topless swastika-pastied character is perfect for children in the morning.

I just watched Red Hood, and I thought Bruce Greenwood was great even if it was because he sounded like Conroy.

I disagree with the idea that she didn't actually sound like the singers she was impersonating, too. I thought she was amazing there.

Jon Bois covered this a few years ago:

It's brave for SNL to take shots at the Oscars, considering their own recent minority casting battles, and especially since there have been only 12 minority guest hosts dating back to the 2010 season premier. But that's only episodes 681-799. Not like it's a big sample or anything.

Justified, Archer, and The Americans are enough to push FX way, way beyond that characterization, in my opinion.

I loved how tracking shots were used in Creed. Limited, but perfectly timed and executed.

Probably Master of None, though the short stories of Adam Drent, hugepop.com. deserve a wider audience.

Olyphant and Goggins on Justified deserve more mention everywhere.

I was shocked by how much I liked Creed. It was the first movie I've seen this year that made me want to see it again, or excitedly tell others to see it.

I read quite a few of these, which obviously is not uncommon. I never loved them, but I distinctly remember Ghost Beach scaring the shit out of me, and that the idea of the mummy (I believe from Return of the Mummy but who the hell knows) who would continue to come after you, no matter where you were, also scared the

Hey Arnold! deserves another generational audience. But I tend to think the original series would hold up just as well.

Holy shit, I used to watch David the Gnome all the time as a kid. I remember feeling like each episode was the same, and a few years ago I looked up the episode list and basically they all were. This week, David tends to an injured deer. That's like 99% of that show.

I liked his turn in Empire Falls, essentially playing a young Paul Newman

The great tragic irony of the Daniel Bryan storyline is that in the end the actual, real concerns WWE had about making him champ were sort of borne out. Hopefully he gets healthy soon.

Sony execs loved Pixels, too.