
It took me a few listens as well, and I'm still not sure the final three songs are as strong as the finishing runs on previous albums. But maybe I'll come around on those as well.

I grew up in North Webster, went to high school in Syracuse.

They're welcome to go elsewhere, is my point.  It's not exactly a new act. They hate Don all the way to the bank.

It's all well and good for everyone to be pissed at Don all the time, but without him, they would never have gotten anywhere as an agency. (Not the new SCDP, nor Sterling-Cooper)

No, you didn't ask about Lonesome Jim!

@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus Not everyone's strengths are really good. But your point isn't a bad one. And Silverado is good. I also thought he did good work in Open Range.

@Scrawler2:disqus I believe you're mistaken, as that is the plot of "Superbad", and you obviously took some license with the "home by 9 PM" part.

Peggy: Did a woman judge ruin the Supreme Court?

Wasn't a joke; considering it came right after she mentioned how he was hanging with politicians and ignored her. Might have to watch the scene again to see if I want to fully commit to the theory, but it sort of makes sense for now. It's like The Departed; the best way to make sure the police/FBI/government doesn't

"You're looking on the wrong hill" means Drew Thompson is on Capitol Hill, right? Anyone else assume that?

I'm hoping Mrs. Crawley takes her in.

My great home state of Indiana remains the only state in the country to ban all beer, wine, and liquor sales on Sunday.  A few other states have restrictions on liquor only, I know for sure, but Connecticut just allowed all Sunday sales this past summer.  Indiana's last.  Shocking. Coincidentally, I don't drink often

@avclub-53ef3f6607f8a9d210d7ceb6c2eab5e8:disqus We used to dream of Fred Silverman cancelling Petticoat Junction!

Wrong Arkin, although how badass would Alan be on this show?

He reminded me very much of Randy Moss.

"Indianapolis" by The Bottle Rockets.  I seriously assumed that's what this was going to be.  An obvious yet solid choice, not to blow my own horn.

Maybe so, but you could have at least remembered where he went to school. Not that much effort.

Maybe so, but you could have at least remembered where he went to school. Not that much effort.

Sounds like you should be spending MORE time here, not less.  Why waste time on Facebook with "real life" people who won't get that joke?

Sounds like you should be spending MORE time here, not less.  Why waste time on Facebook with "real life" people who won't get that joke?