

It is completely false to say that he admitted that. The question asked by Constand's lawyer, Delores Troiani was confusing. She had been asking about one woman and then asked a general question about if he had it in his mind when he obtained the Quaalude prescription to give them to women he had sex with. Cosby said

Well, this is certainly ten times more believable than anything any of the accusers, including Andrea Constand and Kelly Johnson/Kacey has said.

Actually anybody who believes he did it has been brainwashed by Gloria Allred and the mass media.

That was not the defense argument. The defense argument was that the laws of Pennsylvania and the US blocks the prosecution from getting together gangs of people with no evidence and accusing people before a jury. As in this case, it would not bring any real evidence to the attention of the jury, but would prejudice

Okay, I'm in a hurry to get to work, so I'll give a simple and quick answer. Stop treating rape as magic. it is a simple physical assault that should be treated as any other physical assault. If there is no evidence, a person should not be accused. In the Cosby case, 63 women have made accusations and not one has

Please study the literature on false rape claims, not the gender feminist propaganda about it. Start with the recently published book "Rape Culture Hysteria" by Wendy McElroy. Go to youtube and watch videos by amazing and brilliant women like Diana Davidson, Karen Straughan and

Unless Dr. Cosby is innocent, in which case the legal system and the mass media failed by providing an atmosphere where women could make up stories about things that never happened 20,30,40 and 50 years ago and expect to be treated as victim-heroes, celebrities and make millions of dollars.

Apparently, the author is a great fan of Gloria Allred and her DAMN (Destroy All Men Now) ideology.
This exchange last September pretty well shows the difference between the black civil rights leader Dr. Cosby and the self-proclaimed civil rights leader Gloria Allred: (http://abcnews.go.com/Enter…

These are silly straw-men or straw-women arguments.
I agree Cosby did many wrong things, trying to help too many people, but that is what you do when you're a nice person.

In 1998 the U.S. Justice Department suggested that false reporting of rape was similar to false reporting of other major crimes around 8%. However a dozen different, more specific, studies between 1968 and 2004 each looking at more than a 100 rape reports found between 10 and 45% were false. (https://en.wikipedia.org/w

The number of innocent men falsely accused of rape in the United States is unknown. We know that it is at least in the thousands from women confessing that they lied after filing charges. What we don't know is if it is in the tens of thousands every year.

Hannibal Buress did not take Bill Cosby to task for anything. He was and remains an unknown and untalented comedian who said 2 minutes of imbecilic things about Dr. Cosby.
The racist mass media ignors dozens of black comics every day who talk about the real horrors of racism in America. The only time they ever paid

The 650 comments so far show that a lot of people are still very interested in him. His recent appearance on David Letterman, where he delivered a great song "There is no better man than David Letterman" showed he can still be uplifting and surprising. His Operaman reprise was just right at SNL's 40th anniversary, His

I will not talk about the accuser in this post, so I hope it is not removed.
I appreciate your criticisms.
Cosby was at the Los Angeles Grammy awards on March 12th 1969. He won the award for best comedy record. He hosted the Tonight Show in New York, Monday the 17th, Tuesday, the 18th, Wednesday, the 19th, Thursday,

I was looking to find evidence if the story could be true. Flying between L.A. and N.Y. took between 10-12 hours in 1969..Round trips would take at least 24 hours. She describes an event lasting almost half a day, so that would be a 36 hour time frame. Cosby was living and working in Los Angeles and when he went

My post has apparently been removed. It seems we have reached the point where challenging the story of the accusers is not permitted. Only the official story of the demon Cosby no matter how childish, crazy, absurd, and counter to all known historical facts is permitted.

I have a Ph.D. in Philosophy and have been teaching college students for 20 years. What is your educational background?