
Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know"

As a non-American and though not having tasted those other items in the list, I do agree with #1. Goes great with their own brewed coffee and a good book.

Insightful discussion. Thank u all.

I really enjoyed this interview. Quite insightful from a working actress' perspective.

I think it's good that there are two versions of the song, but somehow I just love the sparseness of the demo, and that it kind of fits to Vision's atmosphere. Perhaps it's because I heard it first (and seen the video, which I thought was great).
So yeah, the Demo Version should be one of this year's top songs.

Requiem for a Dream — yes, that is a very good horror film.

That poppy field scene, along with that beautiful Puccini aria.

LOL! but seriously it is a really good song.

Fantastic album. The opening track sent some minor shivers down my spine. All good (so far).
The male solo track I thought was a bit of a jarring break from Mayberry's, but it grew on me.
*first time listening to the album, and I'm still at "Playing Dead", which is a very good, too. Hard to choose which one's the best.

I admit, I don't get the gimmick, but it doesn't mean that the video isn't beautiful. Need to get back on track with my Wes Anderson catalog.

I absolutely love "Nurse Betty". I think that enough is an answer to the titular question.

Great list! Thank you, AVC.

Oh wow! I'd be first in the line if ever. Terrific suggestion!


Jim Jarmusch and…Anthony Bourdain. hee hee!

Guiltily I admit this is one of the more enjoyable lists from avc.

I absolutely love "Only You" and "Mr. Blue". Might have skipped this track from the album, though. Thank you AVC!

OMG thanks! Really a lover of both — Aardman and Nina. A fantastic "collab"!

Very well-written review.
Yeah call me late and whatever, but better than never; my first real introduction to her was the last scene in Before Sunset, which at first I never had understood. Thanks Youtube for giving me a very much needed context; and helping me appreciate a unique performer that she was. Her

Yeah just to defend my opinion, it's purely personal. You are correct — i feel that the violence he employs (metaphysically) in his movies is to just show that he can actually incorporate such, without a care about whether it actually adds substance to what he ultimately is going after — one which i could neither