
Tell him for more access to your network, you must be paid in booze!

@a sexy hot dog: I'm wondering the same thing. I imagine a month or two from now we will see Nexus S with AT&T/Rogers 3G bands.

@Bruce Irvin: My phone doubles as my mp3 player so I need all the storage I can get. I guess it just comes down to individual needs.

@Gators15: Pac-10 not any tougher than the MWC or WAC?

@CaptainKirk: Dude, we'll take on any of your beloved SEC teams.

Jesus Diaz has hacked Rosa's account!!

@MacPro66: For me it was either this or the N1. I want to stay on AT&T so instead of paying 500+ for the N1, I'll just upgrade for 200 to the iPhone 4.

It will be soooooo hard for me not to get this phone but the last time I was on T-mo the service was very bad. This was 3 years ago so hopefully things have changed....

Pretty much on par with other 5 meg handys.